followed again

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(hi by the way Error's not dead back in that chapter I kinda changed it for plot... (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠'⁠;⁠) Sorry)

You were in your AU but on the surface in your favorite place, on the hill with water at the bottom...

Staring at it, you wanted to jump in but you couldn't swim.

"Hey kid"

You turned around and it was dust, he had a weird look on his face, you looked back at the view.

He came and sat down, and started mumbling to the right of him, you were focused on the view and in your mind...

It was broken and needed to be fixed, you really didn't know how to feel better, so you were sad.

(Dust) " you looked so troubled, are you thinking about... fri-"

(Y/n) " NO... S-sorry just let's not talk about it"

After a few moments

(Dust) " *sigh* I'm sorry y/n, I know saying this isn't going to do anything but, Im going to make it up to you and you'll be happy, because I haven't even seen you smile in a while."

You were surprised but thankful, you kissed dust on the cheek, you had a small smile.

(Y/n) " well maybe one day you'll make it up to me, but thanks I feel a little better, see ya dust."

Dust had a purple tint on his face with a surprised look. You got off the ground and started to walk, after walking passed 2 neighborhoods, you had seen police and an ambulance at your old house.

You don't know what happened but something was telling you to stay away, now walking away you haven't really been paying attention to where you were going, you ended up in a park that was completely empty.

Maybe it's just a feeling, but this feels like deja vu, a creepy feeling on your back, your slightly sweating and your heart is beating fast...

Your definitely being watched

You felt like this too many times to just call it you being paranoid, now you started tapping on your watch and speed walking. It made a portal and you quickly went in...

You turned around because the portal was still opened, there was a really dark figure in the bush that wasn't far from you, the portal closed and you were starting to get tired of this.

(Y/n) " jeez it's like the whole multiverse wants to  kidnap me"

To think, it was either ink or error to take you first, well nevermind that you were in the doodle sphere, Ink told you about it. You looked around at the many papers that were there, there was a very different one close to you. It was purple with an X on it, you wanted to touch it...

"Huh y/n?"

You quickly turned and saw Ink floating upside down.

(Y/n) " u- hi Ink, how are you floating in the air?"

He shrugged and landed on the ground

(Ink) " well why are you here"

You remembered that dark negative feeling on your back, it scared you, more then what error did. Ink was getting nervous as a few seconds ago by

(Y/n) " I... Think I'm being watched"

Now a serious look on Ink's face, he was thinking, who could it be, he sighed

(Ink) " y/n your going to be ok, but just in case me, dream and blue will get you a weapon"

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