y/n we're back!

481 24 15

(With the star sanses...)

They just got back to the base

(Dream) " Y/n we're back!"

... Nothing, blue and dream looked at each other confused, Ink went to your room, and he saw nothing, Ink started to panic. He immediately went back down stairs

(Ink) " Search the base!"

Dream and blue nod

(Some seconds later...)

Ink was in the hallway, walking urgently until he stepped on a bright blue string, then suddenly he stopped.

He was definitely more then mad, he called blue and dream to the living room. They both looked at Ink curiously wondering where's Y/n, Ink summoned a portal, he had an annoyed face.

(Ink) " I'm going to go get Y/n."

He was about to walk in, but dream grabbed his shoulder.

(Dream) " wait! Let us go with you"

(Ink) " I have something to deal with alone"

He went in, and the portal closed.

(Blue) " I hope they come back safe"


Some minutes earlier...

You woke up, you were hanging in the air by your soul, slightly conscious, after talking back to error it didn't end well.



Health: 20/100

Your vision was a little blurry, and you felt yourself being lowered down until your body hit the ground. You pulled yourself up sitting on your knees, your soul was still wrapped up in blue string.

You felt really tired, you see error walk up to you.

(Error) " you look pretty tired Y/n, never talk to me like that "

You didn't feel like talking, so you just stayed on the ground, and your vision went dark. There was a noise behind error, and he looked behind him, it was ink and he saw you on the ground.


Error hung you up out of the way, and started walking to Ink's way.

(Error) " wow Ink, I'm still curious how do you care about her/him if you don't have a soul, their better off with me then a soulless being using them for entertainment"

Ink was silent for a moment, then splashed error with pink paint and it turned into chains, Error was surprised Ink walked to Error and his eyelights we're purple and red.

(Ink) " hehehe~ I knew I should've took you out when as soon as you saw

Ink made a knife and...

Blood was everywhere and you fell down and landed on your back (ouch ☹️) you were in pain, you flipped over a little bit and you saw Ink


He was covered in blood and was continuously stabbing error.

(Ink) " oh error I don't give a f##k about you messing with me, but DON'T touch my y/n~

Your pain went down enough for you to get up and walk to Ink, you saw error health and it was low, Ink stopped, you were a little scared but you touched Ink's shoulder and he slowly turned his head and looked at you...

(Me trying to figure out what image to use😥😥😤🤔😑😐)

(Me trying to figure out what image to use😥😥😤🤔😑😐)

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


Link ^

You were felt weird, and you fell down a little bit to your knees. Pain had shocked your body, Ink held you when you fell and he put his hand on your head, stroking your hair.

(Ink) " don't worry... Everything is going to be ok, just... Relax"

You heard the worry in his voice, he picks you up bridle style and makes a portal, now you guys were back... In Ink's room


"WOW... what happened to you error?"


"Error... Helloooo"...


" Okay fine just trying to see if your dead"

( Wellllllllll...... Hi it's been awhile 😀, and now I have school... Hopefully I can make wayyy better chapters, because I HATE THIS ONE it's sooooo bad. Well dang I'll see you guys later hopefully bye)

🙂 Error's not dead, for plot. But also because Ink couldn't have beat error that fast as much as they fought.

You'll probably see him later...

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