chapter one

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Honey Adams

She had been in love with him since first grade. They had grown up together, being neighbours made them automatically friends. Their parents were old friends and they had celebrated both birthdays and fourth of Julys together.

They had been close with each other until highschool. Then she had started dating Ethan Davis. In the beginning he had allowed her to still hang out with Chris, until it one day just stopped.

Ethan meant that she shouldn't hang out with other boys when she was dating him. He held close tabs on who she was seeing and talking too. So her and Chris kind of fell apart. But what could you expect? She was the head cheerleader and Ethan was the quarterback and the Captain of the football team. Chris was the biggest nerd in school, nobody wanted to date him. Except she. But nobody knew that.

She dreamt of him almost every night. About everything and nothing. It could be sex dreams, it could be about them just laying in a field of flowers. The sad part was that it was just dreams. Dreams that would never happen. She wanted to reach out to him again, but he had gotten famous and he probably didn't remember her. She didn't look like the models and the other actresses the media had said he dated.

"Honey?" Ethan stood in front of her trying to get her attention. "Honey Adams? Answer me when I talk to you." She looked up at her husband, holding her one year old daughter. "What?" She let out a tired sigh. She hadn't been sleeping well after the baby had been born, with Ethan never getting up from bed when Amelia was crying, had left Honey with all the work, and a lot of sleepless nights.

"Your daughter is crying. Do something about it." Ethan handed her the baby before he left her alone in the room. How could he have been so nice to her before? How could she have fallen in love with him? She had started to think that she never actually loved him. Honey pulled her girl to her chest rocking back and forth singing a little lullaby.

Soon she was asleep in Honey's arms. Standing up Honey walked into the nursing room and put her down in her crib. Placing a crochet blanket over her she kissed Amelia on the forehead before she tippy toed out of the room, closing the door gently behind her. Honey walked into Ethan's office. "Do you want to watch a movie with me, or something baby?" She asked him, already knowing the answer. So why she had asked she didn't know. Maybe she was hoping that one day he would say yes.

"No. You need to go for a run. You need to lose the extra weight you have put on."

She pretended that the words didn't hurt her, but they did. Being her husband he should support her, helping out with their daughter. Not putting all the responsibility over on her. But here she was. She was standing in front of the body length mirror in their bedroom. Grabbing some of the fat on her stomach she started to believe her husband's words. She was fat.

She turned her body around and looked at the stretchmarks the pregnancy had left. Disgusting. That was her husband's exact words one time.

"I am ugly," She looked herself over in the mirror. Standing in her underwear, the body in front of her disappointed her. She used to look so good. "Ethan is right, I need to lose weight. I can't believe I haven't noticed it before. Good thing he told me." She put on her work out clothes and walked down stairs. Putting on her shoes she stepped outside in the hot July sun.

She hoped that Amelia didn't wake up while she was gone. Ethan wouldn't tend to her. He was busy with his work. He always worked, never spending time with his family. Always put the blame on Honey. Always putting the work on her. Always making her feel bad about herself. He hadn't always been like that. There was a time when he was caring and Honey was the centre of his life.

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