chapter two

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Chris Evans

He remembered her brown hair and her brown eyes. How they would lit up when she got excited. They would always play together when they were little. Having birthdays the same day, they celebrated them together. Always having a different theme. He thought that he had fallen in love with her the moment she had moved into the house next door.

His mother had forced him over with a welcome gift. She had opened the door, welcoming him in. She was a bit shy. He had remembered the words his mother had told him to say. Her mother had come into view. "Hi. My name is Christopher Evans," He had held out his hand for Honey's mother to shake. "My mother wanted to know if you would like to come to dinner on Sunday?"

Honey's mother, Linda, had shaken his hand. "You can tell your mother that it would be our pleasure," Linda had placed her hand on Honey's head, ruffling her hair. "What do you say, Honey?" Honey had moved away from her mother's grip, her face turning into a light red colour.

"Mom," She had complained, straightening her hair back down with her hands. "You are embarrassing me." Chris had smiled softly at her, admiring her cute face. She had shown him her room before he left. Standing on the stairs he had turned around and smiled at her again. "It was nice meeting you Honey. I hope we can become good friends."

"You too, Christopher."

He had wanted to contact his childhood best friend on multiple occasions, but he had always chickened out. Last time he checked, she was happily married to Ethan, and she was living in New York. He had been in New York on multiple occasions due to work, but he never went looking for her. Ethan had made it very clear that she didn't want to see him anymore.

It was strange to him. Honey had never once made the impression that she didn't want to see him anymore. Why the sudden change? Maybe it had been something he had said or done. The message Ethan had sent was clear as day to him.

Honey doesn't want to see you anymore. She wanted me to let you know. It was too hard for her to tell you herself. Please don't contact her again.

- Ethan

Chris didn't understand it, but he would always respect Honey's wishes, no matter how strange they seemed. He just hoped that she was doing well.

"Sorry I'm late," Scarlett walked over to him in the bar. "Traffic was horrendous." She sat down in the booth opposite of him. A waiter came over to them and took her order. Scarlett was one of his best friends, they had met on set in 2004, and had quickly become friends.

"It's okay," Chris reassured her, taking a sip of his beer that was half empty by now. He had told the waiter to just let the beers come, and the waiter, who was a boy not older than twenty-five he thought, did not disappoint. "How's little Rose?"

"She's doing very well," Scarlett smiled at Chris. "She and her dad are visiting her grandparents in France. She hasn't talked about anything else for the last month."

Chris looked around the small bar. It was dark, with a dark interior. The lights were hanging down from the ceiling, with one single lightbulb at the end, over each table, and five over the bar. The boots were a dark blue colour, and were comfy to sit in. The waiters and waitresses were dressed in all black, as well as the bartenders behind the bars.

It was a combined diner and bar. The burgers they served here weren't too shabby either. They were of good quality. Chris thought that Honey would like this place. She loved burgers he remembered, and he would have loved to see her face when she took a bite out of the ones that they had here. 

"Is everything alright between you and Romain?" Chris asked his best friend. "You seemed uncomfortable when he showed up at work a few days ago."

"I think we are coming close to getting a divorce." Scarlett took a sip of her drink and smiled at Chris. He was always so caring for his friends. "What about you, Chris? When are you going to reach out to Honey?"

Chris wondered everyday if he should send her a text, maybe even call her. "I don't know, Scar. Her husband's text message made it pretty clear that she didn't want to see me anymore."

"Doesn't that sound kind of strange to you? Have you given her any reason not to talk to you? And do you really want to listen to dickhead Ethan, as you called him once?" Scarlett finished her burger and drank the last of her water. "Who's paying?"

"That would be you," Chris laughed, before pulling out his wallet. Scarlett laughed at him, he loved joking with her. She had paid last time, therefore it was his turn this time. "That would be me, yeah."

Walking over to the register, Chris asked if he could pay for their meal. After he had paid he walked back over to the table to grab his coat. Scarlett stood up putting her jacket on as well.

Out on the street it had quieted down for the evening. It was around seven pm, and only a few were out walking the streets on this cold Sunday. "Call her. Maybe you will be surprised?" Scarlett suggested while they were walking to her car.

"Maybe you are right. I will see." Chris pulled her into a hug before releasing her.


Back at Chris' house he had in LA he pulled his phone from his back pocket before dialling Honey's number. He had memorised that number by heart. The message he got was breaking his heart.

The number you are currently trying to reach has either blocked you or is no longer in use.

Ethan must have been telling the truth about Honey not wanting to talk to him anymore. How he wished he had used his multiple occasions in high school to tell her how he felt. He had been so stupid, and now he had probably lost her for ever.

He decided to call his mother. Sometimes Honey was back home, visiting her parents, and if she was Lisa, his mother would tell him how she was doing. It was a little creepy, he knew that, but it was his way of taking care of her without him being in her life. No matter how much it pained him.

"Hi mom," His mother had answered the call after only a few rings. "Do you have time to talk?"

"Of course baby" His mother answered him. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Do you think I will be able to come visit you for a few days next week?" He loved spending time with his mother, and Boston would forever be his home. Although his work had him live in LA most of his time, he tried to spend as much time as he could in Boston. He was often homesick and loved his hometown. That and he hoped that he would catch a glimpse of Honey if she was home as well. Something she hardly was.

"Of course you can. You know that you can come home anytime you want. And before you ask, no Honey hasn't visited her parents in a while. Have you talked to your father lately?" Chris' parents got divorced right after his high school graduation.

"Thank you mom. No, I haven't talked to him. I will have to go now. Talk to you soon."

"Bye baby. And give your father a call. He misses you."


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