chapter twelve

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Chris Evans

Chris couldn't remember anything from the night in New York. He had woken up alone in the hotel room, so hungover that his head throbbed. The last thing he remembered was doing shots with a woman he had met at the bar, after that it was all a blur.

His phone made a horrendous ringing sound and Megan's name flashed across the screen. Chris let out a loud groan and fumbled for his phone and swiped across the screen to answer it. He put the phone to his ear, regret immediately flowing through him when Megan's voice came through the speaker.

"What are you thinking with Chris?" She was angry, and for what reason he had no idea about. "Because it's clearly not your brain. Hell, I'm not even sure if you have a brain at this point. Here I have been doing God's work for the last ten years to erase whatever fuckboy image you have on you, and you ruin all the work with one stupid decision. And don't get me started on Honey. That woman loves you so much, and you just ruin it-"

Chris cut her off, before she had the chance to continue. "What are you talking about?" His head was throbbing, and her yelling didn't do it any better. "Have you checked the news at all?" Megan's voice had softened a bit.

"No, I just woke up. What news?"

"I'll send you the link." Megan disappeared for a while and Chris' phone made a ding sound and the link showed up on his screen. "This is so bad Chris." He opened the link, and the header came into view, and let's just say that bad was an understatement.

"What were you thinking Chris? I thought I'd told you to not meet up with prostitutes?" Chris shut Megan out as he scrolled through the article. According to it he had met up with Miranda Gonzales, a prostitute from Venezuela. He had no memories from it, but the pictures showed him and her walking into the hotel he was currently staying at, and a picture of her coming out of the hotel. Alone. In a state no one should have seen her in.

"Have Honey seen this?" He choked out, he didn't care about anything else.

"I don't know Chris, but I would guess yes." Megan told him and Chris' heart broke. "I'm so sorry. When it comes to damage control, I will see what I can do. I will try to get you some interviews so you can explain yourself, and we will come up with a story..."

Megan's words were going in his left ear and out his right. All he could think about was Honey, and how he hoped she hadn't seen it. Chris knew she wasn't the one to check the news, she usually never did. He hoped deeply that this was the case now.

He couldn't remember anything past the shots, but he couldn't believe he had slept with Miranda. He had no memories of it. Let's say he had slept with couldn't be true. He would never do something like that to his sweet Honey. He had loved that girl the moment he had laid eyes on her. That was thirty two years. In other words he would never do anything to hurt her.

Chris had no other option than to first talk to Honey, and then he had to find Miranda, and get it confirmed that they hadn't slept together. If it would turn out they had, it would break his heart, and he would never forgive himself.

"Are you even listening to me right now?" Megan's voice cut through Chris' thoughts and brought him back to the very hotelroom him and Miranda had spent the previous night together.

"No, I'm sorry," Chris apologised as he put the phone on speaker and got out of bed in search of his clothes he apparently had discarded last night. Maybe he had slept with Miranda? "But whatever you just told me is fine. I need to get to Honey."

He got his pants back on and buttoned his shirt back on. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan. Do you need me to do anything else for you?"

"Yes," He put the phone off speaker and left the room. "Could you try and find Miranda for me?"

"I will see what I can do. Take care Chris."


"I'm sorry Christopher," Honey's mother met him at the door. "She hasn't been home for the last week." It had taken Chris a week to man himself up to seek out Honey. She hadn't answered his calls, and she wasn't at her apartment when he had showed up there. "Where is she?"

"She's staying with Ethan. They are trying to work things out, for Amelia's sake. She told me you two broke up. I think her and Ethan are trying again. If I were you I would have figured something out fast. She doesn't see it herself, but Ethan hasn't changed."

That was what Chris was afraid of. He had to talk to her. Honey's mother was right, Ethan could never change. But he was charming, always had been, and it wouldn't be a big surprise if Ethan had manipulated Honey into coming back to him. "Thank you Linda. I will do anything to get her back."

"Well, in that case, good luck. Because according to the news you are not worth collecting like you would a pokemon, Honey's words, not mine." Linda smiled at him and squeezed his shoulders. "But I have to ask; did you sleep with that woman?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. The last thing I remember is taking shots with her. After that I have no idea what happened. I just woke up alone in the hotel room. But I should get going now."

He got into his car and drove to Ethan's address. He tried to figure out what he would tell her. If she asked him if he and Miranda slept together, he wouldn't know what to answer her. He knew that his "I don't know"-answer wouldn't be good enough. Honey was insecure, she wouldn't just accept his answer. He could say that he didn't know and tell her that he was working hard to try to figure it out.

Before he knew it he found himself on Ethan's steps outside the front door. His hand automatically knocked on the door, without him registering what he was doing. Chris' heart was beating rapidly in his chest.

The door opened in front of him and Honey came into view with Amelia on her hip. "Chris?" He noticed the shock on her face. He was probably the last person she expected to be standing in front of her.

"Hi. Can we talk?"

 Can we talk?"

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