chapter five

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Honey Adams

Chris helped Honey up into the tree house. The sight she was met with was breathtaking. He had decorated the whole space with fairy lights. On the wall, hanging down from the ceiling. Every square inch was lit up by the lights. In the middle of the floor, Chris had placed down a blanket with many pillows on it. In the middle there was a basket, which contained food and drinks, Honey assumed.

"Oh my God," She breathed out. "This is so beautiful, Chris. And so perfect." She sat down on a pillow, and Chris sat down beside her. He opened the basket and gave her a wine glass out of it, before he pulled out a wine bottle and poured her some of it. "I'm not sure if you still like them, but I made my mother make her famous scones." He handed her a plate with the food.

Honey couldn't believe how lucky she was. She had dreamt her whole life to be able to go on a date with Chris and now almost thirty-two years later she finally was on a date with the man she had been in love with for ages. "I still like them. Your mom sometimes brings some over to my parents."

"Good," Chris smiled at her and she blushed lightly. "Eat." He chewed on his own scone as she took a bite. Her mouth watered at the taste. Just like how she remembered them. "Can I ask you something? What made you ask me out now?"

Honey could see Chris think about his answer. It shouldn't have been something he needed to think about, she thought. It should be an easy answer. Say it's because I love you, Honey. Please. "Because I felt it was about time I did so. I've always wanted to ask you out. Just never had the courage to do so before now. And you were dating Ethan."

"I wasn't always dating him, you know." Honey smirked at him. "And my feelings for you have always been there since the moment I laid my eyes on you when you came and knocked on the door when I first moved to Boston."

"I guess I always was scared that you would say no, and when you started to date Ethan, I tried to push my feelings for you away. Do you want more wine?" She nodded and held her glass for Chris to refill it. She thanked him and took a big gulp out of the glass. His confession had given her a lot of things to think about. "Since we already are on the topic of asking each other questions I have one for you."

Honey looked up at him, indicating for him to keep on going with his question. "Why did you get Ethan to tell me that you didn't want to see me anymore?" Her eyes went wide. She had always thought that it was Chris that didn't want to see her anymore. That was at least what Ethan had told her. How much time they had missed.

"Fucking Ethan." She mumbled to herself. "I never told him to tell you that. He told me that you had said to him that you didn't want to see me anymore. Why have we wasted so much time?" She climbed over to Chris and straddled his lap, making him put down his own glass to the floor.

He placed a hand at the nape of her neck before smashing his lips to her. She moaned into his mouth, moving her hips back and forth, rubbing herself over him. He helped her off with her sweater, leaving her in her bra. "So beautiful." He commented before kissing from her lips down her neck to the swell of her breast.

Honey unbuttoned his shirt, her hands shaking with anticipation. "Just rip it baby. I don't care." He ripped the shirt open to make his point, buttons scattering all over the place, one even falling into Chris' wine glass, making Honey giggle.

Her eyes went wide when she turned around and watched Chris' torso, she used her nails to drag them over his chest and stomach, making him moan as he pressed his mouth back to her breasts. Chris unclasped her bra and took a nipple into his mouth as fast as the bra was tossed to the side. "I need you, Christopher."


"Why did we wait so many years to do that?" Honey chuckled lightly as Chris traced his fingers over her back. He had pulled a blanket over their naked bodies. She was laying with her head on his chest and her legs intertwined with his. "I don't know. But I regret not asking you out sooner, baby."

"I like it when you call me baby." Honey commented as she kissed his chest. She could feel him getting hard beneath her again. "Again Evans? Really?" Wasn't the first round enough cardio for you?" Chris laughed at her, before pulling her to straddle him. He pulled her down on him, making her cry out. The burn she felt was amazing and he filled her to the brim. Perfect.

She squeezed around him as she brought her hand to her clit and rubbed fast, small circles. "If you keep squeezing me like that, I won't last long baby." He helped her move faster up and down on her until they cried out together. She rolled off him, whimpering lightly as he slipped out of her. "That was amazing!"

It didn't take long for Honey to fall asleep beside him, and Chris pulled on her panties and an extra shirt he had brought to the tree house. Still in her sleep she could feel him laying down beside her and she crept closer to him and he wrapped an arm around her and fell asleep himself.

The next morning, Honey woke to the birds singing outside in the trees. Chris was snoring lightly behind her. She moved carefully away from him. Walking over to the chest she opened it and found her drawing utensils, and sat down on the sofa outside on the little balcony they had made and started to draw the nature in front of her. She had always been good at drawing, and it had always been a passion of hers as well.

She was almost finished with her drawing when Chris came outside in only his boxers. "You are drawing. Let me see?" Honey shook her head and held the sketching book close to her chest. Chris sat down in front of her on the sofa and looked at her with pleading eyes. "Come on! Please? I know it's perfect."

"But it's not finished yet. Besides, the shadows are all wrong, making the depth in it look weird. You won't like it anyway." She still held her drawing to her chest, not wanting Chris to judge her drawing. Ethan always did that. He always told her that they weren't good. Making her doubt herself at this moment.

"Oh come on, pretty girl." Chris begged her, making her almost give in to him. "I'm sure it's not bad at all. Let me see." Honey eventually let go of her book and showed him her drawing. He got all silent, making Honey worry.

"Say something." She pleaded. "Anything. Please!"

He smiled at her, making her relax a bit. "I forgot how fucking talented you are, princess."


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