chapter seven

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Honey Adams

"I love how you take control, baby." Chris used his fingertips to trace up and down Honey's spine, making sure to take his sweet time over each of her vertebrae. It made her shiver, in a good way. She kissed his thorax. "I like to take control sometimes as well. It makes me feel powerful."

Honey placed her head on his chest, limbs intertwined with each other. Honey had cum four times, and was exhausted. But she felt so good. It was something about having a strong man submit to her. A guy she had been in love with since she was six.

Chris rolled them over, so Honey was on her back under him. Her big brown eyes looked deep into his blue ones and dilated when he entered her again. "This time I'm going to make love to you Honey."

He kissed her deeply and passionately while he moved back and forth, stroking his cock along her walls. Honey played with the hair in the nape of his neck, arching her back into his touch. It was slow and passionate, them taking their time. Although Honey like the rough sex, it was something about this that she loved.

It was raw and passionate, all her emotion poured into it. She closed her eyes, enjoying the way Chris' cock hit that one spot deep inside of her each time. It didn't take long before she came for a fifth time. Chris emptied himself into the condom and pulled out of her. He stood up from the bed, to dispose of the used condom, before he found a damped cloth and cleaned Honey up.

Honey pulled Chris into her again, and he pulled the covers over their naked bodies. "Thank you Chris." She said in all honesty, her voice had a little crack to it, like she was going to cry.

"For what?"

"For taking care of me. And for making me feel good." A lone tear fell from the outer corner of her left eye. She used the back of her hand to take the tear away. She felt stupid for crying. It was just that with Ethan, she didn't have anyone to take care of her. She had to take care of herself, Amelia and Ethan. All the time.

"Hey," Chris kissed her forehead slowly, his voice barely whispering. He used his thumb to stroke her cheekbone. "I'm your boyfriend. I should be taking care of you. And thank you, baby. For taking care of me as well. You have no idea how much you have helped me, Honey. Truly. My life has gotten so much better, after we started dating. So thank you."

Honey hugged Chris tightly and he wrapped his arms around her. "You are making me cry. In a good way."

There was a knock on the trailer door, and Megan popped her head into the trailer. "It smells like sex in here. Please open a window. The car will be here in ten minutes, Chris." She was smiling at the two love birds intertwined in between the sheets. A pink flush spread across Honey's cheek, as she tried to hide behind Chris when he sat up on the bed.

"I will be right there. Thank you Megan." Megan nodded at him and left them alone in the trailer again. He turned around and looked at an embarrassed Honey hiding her face in the sheets.

"You can come out of your hiding now. She's gone." Honey only shook her head, so Chris had to take the covers off her head. The sight he found was something he hoped he would find so many more times. Her hair was messy, the locks falling down in her face. Her cheeks and ears were pink flushed.

"Do you have to go?" Honey tried to tame her hair with her hands, tucking the strands behind her ear.

Chris nodded. "I do. But we will meet up later, okay?"

Honey [c.e] | 18+Where stories live. Discover now