chapter eight

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Chris Evans

Chris was finally back in Boston after months of filming in France. He had some time off and decided to visit his mother. Him and Honey hadn't been talking for the last month, they had been more hectic than usual, and hadn't had time to find the time to call each other.

Chris knew that Honey and her brother were in Utah to visit their grandmother before she passed, and he wouldn't be able to see her for another week. They were doing good, but there was something between them Chris couldn't put his finger on. Something wasn't as they should be.

Walking into his mothers house, he was met with Ethan, Stella and Miles and a girl he didn't recognize at first. "Hi kids. And who are you?" He pushed the locks of the girls' hair and saw that it was Amelia. Maybe Honey was here as well?

"You are mommy's boyfriend. Daddy doesn't like you. He says you are a bad man that wants to take my mommy away from me. Are you a bad man? But I like you." Amelia looked up at Chris with her blue eyes. He was shocked by her questions.

"What has your mommy told you?" He questioned back. His nephews and niece had run back inside. Lisa came out into the entryway and picked up Amelia, saving Chris from answering the little girl. "Go back to Stella, she's waiting for you, honey."

"Hi baby."

"Hi mom." Chris pulled his mother into a hug and kissed her cheek. "I thought Amelia was with Honey?"

"No, she was supposed to be with her dad for the weekend, but she spiked a fever last night. Ethan tried to drop her off with Honey's parents, they weren't home, and I told him I could take her."

Chris couldn't understand what Ethan was thinking about. He got a pained look on his face. "When is Honey coming back? I need to talk to her." He needed to tell her what Amelia was being told from her dad. "Amelia asked if I was a bad man. Poor girl. I can't imagine what lies her father has told her."

Lisa put her hand on her son's cheek, stroking his cheekbone. "I know this is hard for you. Honey will be back tonight. Come on. Let's go spend some time with the kids, okay? Amelia has been talking about you, she says that Honey looks much happier after you two connected again."

He followed her into the living room where the kids were in deep conversation while having a tea-party. Chris sat down on the sofa and pulled out his phone while Lisa went back to the kitchen. He was debating himself if he should call Honey or text her, but figured that he would leave it. Instead he scrolled mindlessly on Instagram, something he only found himself doing if he was having anxiety.

"You want some tea?" Chris looked up from his phone and saw that Amelia was standing with a teacup and the kettle in front of him. He nodded and took the cup from her. Amelia filled the cup with water. "If you want to drink tea with us you have to wear a tiara and sit at the table."

"Okay," Chris laughed as he got down from the sofa and let Amelia put a princess tiara on the top of his head. He followed her to the playtable and sat down. While the kids sat on chairs he had to sit on the floor. "What are we talking about ladies?"

Good thing he was an actor. He went into the role of a princess from far, far away. "Politics," Stella said while drinking from her cup. That's someone advanced for her age. "Like I told Princess AmeliaSheperd, I think it's outrageous that Unicorn HoneyCorn is still the president in this country. She clearly doesn't know what she is doing. If she did, there wouldn't be a bedtime for us at eight pm."

"No, no, no," Amelia chirped in, while taking a bite of her cookie. "I think President Unicorn HoneyCorn has a point with the bedtime at eight pm. I find that I'm not as tired the next day. But you Princess OuterStella, refuse to sleep at eight pm, making our keeper for the days very tired. I don't get how you can do that."

Both the girls turned their heads towards Chris, talking in each other's mouths. "What do you think, Princess ChristopherRobin?" Chris realised quickly that he had to come up with a clever answer. This wasn't just playing. This was serious business.

"I think you both make good points," He cleared his throat and made sure his voice was high pitched. Making him sound like a girl. "Bedtimes are really good, but sometimes it can be nice to be up late. Have either of you sent a formal letter to President Unicorn HoneyCorn, and asked her that?"

The girls looked at each other and giggled. Stella was the one that answered him. "I think Princess ChristopherRobin has a point. We should write a letter to her."

Amelia got up from her chair and found some paper and a crayon in the creativity box, before handing them to Chris. "You have to write the letter."

Chris got down to writing the letter as the girls told him what to write. He was having fun. When the letter was completed they put it aside, and continued with the laughter and the food.

"That's a sight I never thought I would have the pleasure to see." Chris turned around to the familiar voice and was met with Honeys brown eyes. He noticed that she had been crying, her eyes were puffy and red, but she had tried to cover it up with makeup.

"Mommy!" Ameila got up from her seating position and ran over to Honey. Honey picked her up and kissed the top of her head. "Hi my sweet child." Chris came over to them and kissed Honey's cheek.

Lisa came out from the kitchen, wearing an apron. "Hi, Honey."

"Hi. I thought Amelia was supposed to be with Ethan? What's she doing here?" Amelia had placed her head down on her mother's shoulder and was starting to fall asleep.

"Ethan dropped her off last night, when she got a fever. He was planning on dropping her off with your parents, but they weren't home, so I told him I could take her. My grandchildrens are here as well, she's been having fun."

Honey stroked her hand over her girl's head. "Thank you for taking care of her. I will put her down at my parents and then come back to get her things."

"I will come over with her things." Chris offered. "How did it go?" He was referring to Honey's grandmother.

"She died this morning." Honey stifled a sob, and used the back of her hand to wipe away the tear that was threatening to escape.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I will be over in a few minutes."

Chris closed the door behind her and turned to his mother. Lisa understood without anything being said, and pulled her son to her, and let him cry on her shoulder. When the ones that he loved were hurting, he was hurting as well. She rubbed her hand up and down Chris' back in a soothing manner.

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