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A new guest..

She finally arrived home. She drove past a red light twice and almost crashed into a mailbox. Not because she was a bad driver but because of her over-thinking.

In the line of work her brothers in she could never underestimate the amount of trouble he could be in. She's always worried about his safety.

She leaped out of the car. The croissants she bought are long forgotten. She had convinced herself that when she walked in her home she would find her brother's half dead and bloodied body on the floor.

But what she did not expect was for him to be cooking a meal for. Well she wasn't sure who it was for since she had yet to see that face of the person.

Ava loudly cleared her throat making her brother turn his head over to where she was standing. He smiled at her and called her over.

" Ava you here I wanted to introduce you to someone." He said walking over to the person sitting down.

But she was still riled up from thinking her brother could have been dead and couldn't think straight.
" What is this, are you hurt? Did you get shot? Did someone threaten yours or my life?" She asked,examining his body for any bruises or cuts .

He holed her hands off his body and looked at her. " No, I'm fine. I just had to make it seem like it was urgent so you would come. Sorry." He said.

" Got damn it Cameron. You know not to do that. You, out of all people, should know." She let out a deep breath and shook her head.

" In my defense you wouldn't have came as quickly if I didn't make it seem like it was urgent. Plus it's still important." He said.

" Okay, what did you want to tell me?" She asked, fetching some water from the fridge.

" There's someone that's going to be staying with us for a couple of months." He said feeling nervous about her reaction.

Ava had a hard time getting along with people her age. Not because she didn't understand them or because she wasn't socially aware. As a matter of fact she was too socially aware.

She never got along with her classmates because they would make fun of her. Starting from her weight to her hair. It was hard for her to fit in when she was one the small percentage of balck girls in predominantly white schools.

It got better when she moved to New York. There were more people of color here and even the non POC still respected her.

But after all the trauma that built up over the years it was hard for her to make friends. Too afraid of being hated or betrayed.

" Okay, who is it? Have you checked their background? Is it the guy that I feel is staring bullets in head?" She asked, turning around to get a better look at the guy.

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