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Ace and Cameron have finally arrived and it seemed that everyone else had been waiting for them.

They were all gathered in the living room once again but this time they all hoped for good news.

" How did it go?" Ray asked.

He seemed the most eager to know out of everyone.

" We'll you want the good news or bad news first?" Cam asked.

" Bad news." Ava says scooting over to Ray.

They fall silent waiting for Cameron to tell them what the bad news was.

" Well, we contacted Ivan, and it seems that he is only staying 20 minutes away from our current location." Cameron states.

Everyone grows silent as they take in what Cameron just told them.
" I thought we checked everyone in our neighborhood and area, we even did backgrounds, how did we not catch him?" Chris asked.

" The person working for him must have a very clean background or he came after we got done checking everyone. But all I know is that we need to get the fuck out of here. It's getting too dangerous and Ivan is too close." Cam says.

" What's the good news?" This time it was Farah that asked.
" Well, we convinced him to meet with Ace but I'll be on his terms. He also wants Ace to come alone." He says.

" We aren't actually going to let him go alone right?" Farah says.

" Of course not. Like I promised he will be having reinforcements including me. We just have to make sure we are not caught.  But it's most likely that Ivan will have his people there with him so we all have to be careful."

" You said we have to leave, how will I be able to attend school? There's only two more months left until I start Uni." Ava asks.

Cam doesn't look her in the eyes not wanting to disappoint Ava. He knew how hard she had fought to get into the school. He couldn't ask her to give up her dreams and it was too late to sign up for online classes.

" Farah and Chris will attend classes with you." Cam says.
Chris immediately looks up at him surprised by this.
" This is not what I signed up for." Chris whispered to himself which earned him a smack from Farah.

"You'll be watched and protected at all times. And any friends you make will have to be searched and their background needs to be clean." Cam states.

Ava nods and scoots closer to Ray both holding hands.

Chris's eyes momentarily lingered on Ava and Rays attached hands before looking back up. His face now held a small frown.

" When will you guys be meeting?" Ava asked.

" Tomorrow night. He wants to meet at an alley. It isn't convenient but we need him to think that he can trust Ace."

They all nod. " Are we going to have a safe house?" Ray asked.

Ace nodded. " I have a safe house on the upper side of New York. It's safe and well guarded." Ace said.

Ray nodded. It seems that the tension between the two was still very thick. They had only interacted two times but both times were awkward.

"That's all the information we have right now. I don't know when we'll be moving to the safe house but I recommend you start packing. I'll be going back to the office to see if there's anything new."

Once cam left the others spread themselves out in the house.
Both Farah and Ava decided to cook something to kill time.

" Before we start cooking I wanted to ask what food you aren't allowed to eat. I don't want to cook something you can't eat." Ava asked Farah.

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