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Ava was walking down the streets of New York on her way back from the Cafe when she suddenly bumped into a girl. She was tall and beautiful, her braids were long and swayed every time she walked.

" Oh I'm sorry" Ava said to the girl.

They laughed it off and said it was fine. " It's okay. Hey do you go to any nearby universities the girl asked catching Ava off guard.

" No, not yet I'm taking a gap year but I'll be going to NYU next year." The girl smiled at her and walked closer to Ava.

" Okay well there's a party happening not too far from here only people from neighboring colleges or uni's can come so feel free to come by." The girl says.

She invited her saying that it would be good to come out and get to know people before she starts her semester.

Ava agrees and they exchange numbers. The girl sends her the info about the party.

" Oh and what's your name?" Ava asked before the girl could go.

" I'm Crystal. I'm just inviting random people who look our age to come to the party. What is your name?" She says.

" I'm Ava, it was nice meeting you." She says.

" You too hope to see you soon." Crystal says before waking away.

Ava heads back home happier than ever. Even though she was a bit nervous she was still excited to meet new people this would be a fresh start.

She arrives home and finds Ray sitting down watching some cartoon. He does them pretty often though most of the time it's some old anime.

They didn't talk about what happened last time because quite frankly there was nothing to say. Though there was some tension in the air Ava was sure it would dissolve soon enough.

" Hey I'm home." She says taking off her coat. Ray turns around and smiles at her waving her over.

Her brother had been unusually busy with work. Most of the time he works behind the scenes or at home but he's been going out in the fields more often and has been stressing about work.

She decides not to overthink about her brother's job and walks over to Ray.

" Hey Ive got great news." She eagerly says grinning at Ray.

" Oh what is it?" He asks scooting closer to her so he could drape her with his blanket.

She hugs the blanket tightly around her basking in the warmth. " I got invited to a party." She exclaims.

Ray looked at her shocked and she rolled her eyes at his expression but she guessed it was kind of hard to believe that she had a life outside of books.

" You don't have to look so shocked, you know. You're not any better than me."

" It's not my fault, it's hard to believe you know people outside of me and your brother." He said.

She let out a sigh and thought I'm about it. It was kind of sad that she didn't have a social life and it was getting tiring.

" Okay well I'm going to that party."

Ray shrugged looking down at her with a smile. " We'll have fun, call me when you get there. Also don't let any creep talk to you and don't accept drinks from random people. And if someone makes you uncomfortable make sure to tell them to fuck off okay."
He said sitting a bit straighter.

Now that he thought about it Ava had never been to any parties as far as he knew. And there were perverts everywhere so he was a bit scared that she'd be to naive to tell them to fuck off.

Ava chuckled at his shaken demeanor.
" You're coming with me dumbass. You really think I would go to a party full of horny guys and strangers by myself?" She states rolling her eyes.

" Now get up and get dressed, we're going to have fun okay." She pulled him up and grabbed his hand. They both went up the stairs and walked into Ray's room.

" I'm going to help you wear something weather appropriate since you seem to forget we're in winter." The last time Ava had scene Ray wear a coat was at-least two weeks ago when Cam forced him to so he wouldn't get a cold.

They ended up going for something simple. A black turtleneck and some black slacks with a black jacket over it. It looked good.
And Ava would never admit but he looked hot.

Once they were done Ava went into her room to pick an outfit. She took at least thirty minutes picking an outfit because she didn't know what to wear. She too decided to play it safe and simple and went with a black turtleneck, blue jeans and a black puffer jacket.

She had her hair done not too long ago so she didn't have to worry about doing her hair. She had some long black notless braids with beads at the end.

She quickly did her makeup and put on some jewelry and her final touch was her channel number 05 perfume. She didn't wear it too often but when she did she would always get compliments.

As she's about to walk out she hears a knock on her door. " Ava darling are you dead in there you've taken almost an hour and a half to get ready." Ray said on the other side of the door.

She chuckled and opened the door. Ray had added some jewelry to his outfit. He looked good.
He eyed her head to toe and smiled.

" You look gorgeous." He whispers to her keeping eye contact. " Absolutely stunning you smell good too." He added.

Ava was never one to feel nervous but for some reason every time Ray would compliment her which was quite often. The tip of her ears would always turn red and she would feel nervous. Ava honestly thought there was something wrong with her.

" You look good too." She whispered not being able to keep eye contact any longer. " We should probably get going." She said already on her way down the stairs.

As she heads down she spots her brother in the far back living room with his head down.
She walks up to him, careful not to do anything to startle him.

" Hey Cam, are you okay?" She whispers bending down to get a better look at him. He had bruises on his left eye and had a cut on his cheek. She felt sick and hated when he would come back all bruised. It brought back horrible memories.

Camron lifted his head and smiled at his sister. " Hey Ava, how's your day going so far." He always did this whenever he came home.

Ava sighed and helped him get up with the help of Ray. She brought him to the couch since his bedroom was up stairs. He lied down, his eyes too hooded to see.

She took his shoes off and coat off. Then loosened his tie. She looked at Ray who looked back at her with worry.

" Maybe we should stay in today." She said already taking her coat off.

Cameron grabbed on to her hand and pulled her closer. " Don't cancel your plans because of me. I can take care of myself and just go and have fun. Don't worry about me, you deserve to be a teenager."

She sighed and looked down at his bruised state. " I've made soup, rice and some chicken. There's tea and coffee. I'll go upstairs and run you a bath then I'll leave okay." She said already heading upstairs.

While she did that Ray helped Cam get up and head upstairs. Once Cameron was upstairs Ray went down stairs to heat up food for him.

Everything was done and Ray seemed more alive then when he had come in. Both Ava and Ray stared at him waiting to eat a bite of his food.

"Are you guys just going to stand there? Shoo go away." He pushed both of them out and closed the door on them.

"He just kicked us out." Ray said.

"Yeah he just did." They both went inside Ava's car and went on their way to the party.

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