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Ava had locked herself in her room coming up with new ideas for her book. She had been working on a romance thriller where the main character ends up with the villain in the story.

It wasn't often where you saw two opposites come together so we'll but she made it happen. She had just thought of a new idea for her latest chapter.

Though she probably shouldn't have left Ray the way she did. The second she felt full she stood up, left her plate behind and went upstairs to write. But in Ray's mind he thought that he had upset her.

Which he hadn't done Ava just wasn't the type to get friends out of pity for her. She would rather be alone than with people who saw her as nothing but a nuisance.

As she was writing he was thinking of ways to apologize to her. He didn't know her too well but he could tell that she was a kind person and he would never say something unkind to her on purpose.

He went upstairs holding a cup of hot cocoa. He had noticed that she drank them quite often even when it was late at night.

He knocked on her door twice and waited for her to open it. Ava was too busy writing and had her headphones on the highest volume so she couldn't hear the knock on her door.

He tried knocking again but nothing. Finally he tried turning the knob on the door and it was unlocked.

He pushed it open and found Ava on her bed working on something in her laptop. She had on her headphones but seemed to have changed out of her pajamas.

She had her pink bonnet on and reading glasses. She looked pretty, he thought. He looked around her room and found it very cute. Though if anyone else came in here they would have found it a complete mess.

She had posters up on one wall and random pictures on the other. Then three bookshelves in the far back. It didn't seem like she had a theme for her bedroom; it was just a blob of everything she liked.

He walked up to her and made sure to lightly tap her so he wouldn't frighten her like he did earlier.

He tapped her shoulder and she looked up at him with a puzzled look. She took her headphones and placed them on her computer.

" Hey." He said feeling awkward.

" Uh hi...we're looking for something?" She asked looking down on the hot cocoa he was holding.

" No.. I actually made this for you as an apology."

" Apology for what?" She asked.

This time it was Ray who looked puzzled.
" You're mad at me from earlier when I called you friendless right?"

Ava shook her head no but still took the cocoa from him. " I actually forgot about that, I was working on my latest chapter."

" Oh" his cheeks felt hot and by the way Ava was smirking at him he knew he was blushing.

He scratched the back of his head and looked at her. " We'll still want to be friends and it's not because you don't have any friends. I don't have any either and since I'll be staying here I thought maybe I'd be good to have a smut reading buddy. You know."

Ava laughed and scooted over and patted her bed so Ray could sit down.

" Since we're going to be friends, how about we play a game to get to know each other."

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