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While Ray and Ava were at home away from any danger.

Meanwhile Cameron and Ace were both in a very tight position. They had arrived at the office,  it was filled with all types of of tracking machines, computers and cellphones all operated by the tech team.

The air was tense. This was a very dangerous situation for everyone involved . For all they knew Ivan could also be tracking them. He might even be expecting them to call.

So they had to be cleverly cautious on how they were going to execute the plan.

"Everyone to their position." Cameron said in a strict voice.
They all did as ordered. Everyone was used to Cameron being the boss most people actually loved him as head of operations not only because of great leadership skills but the fact that his able to stay calm no matter the situation.

"So how is this going to go?" Ace asked, getting seating in front of the phone. He wasn't sure that this was going to work but he'd known Cameron enough to know that he was always right.

" We found Ivan's number. We had an undercover agent get inside their base since they are located in New York as of now. The agent got the information we needed and that included Ivan's phone number." Cameron says.

" And where is that agent now?" Ace asked.

Cam gritted his teeth not directly looking at Ace. " He didn't make it. He was discovered and killed."

Ace clenched his jaw and closed his eyes for a minute before opening them back up. " Let's do this." He said determined to catch Ivan.

They got everything set up now waiting for Ivan to pick up. The phone rang once, twice, and a third time. Finally on the fourth time it rang someone picked up.

Both lines were silent before Ace spoke.
" Ivan Alek." Ace stated.
This was a tactic he used to determine whether it was him or not. Back when Ace used to work for Ivan, he would always call him by his last name. Never his first name.

There was a loud laugh heard from the other side of the phone. They were laughing as if Ace had said the funniest thing in the world.

" You've got some balls calling me Volkov." The voice said I'm a thick Russian accent.

The room stilled, it was him Ivan was currently on the phone right now with ace. Cameron's heart beats ten times faster knowing that the person that plans to kill his little sister is right behind that phone.

He balled his fist up, calming himself before he could say anything rash. He needed for this to go well, it had to.

" I want to make a deal with you." Ace says.

The line once again goes silent.
" khocheshʹ zaklyuchitʹ sdelku? Krysa vrode tebya zasluzhivayet togo, chtoby s neye zhivʹyem sodrali kozhu." He threatened in Russian.

Ace did not react to this threat but kept going.
" Once you hear the deal I think you'll want to keep me alive." He emphasized.

" You work for the cops." Ivan spits out.
" Trusting you would be rooting for my downfall."

" I'm not asking you to trust me. Just hear me out, I know you want the girl." And there it was the whole objective of this.

His line went silent and the room grew stiff.
" What do you know about the girl?" He asked. Not sounding as confident as he did when they first started the call.

" Enough to give you what you need." Ace  smoothly answered.

Ivan hummed " And what do you want in return? I've already given you the freedom you asked for unless that's not what you want."

Ace knew what he was aiming at, his family. " I want to go back." Ace said ignoring Ivan's childish taunt's.

A loud holler left Ivan's mouth; it sounded as if he was even choking on his own spit.
" krysa khochet vernutʹsya?"  He said laughing even louder at that.

" Yes, I'm willing to do anything you ask of me, but I would like to meet properly in person to talk this out." Ace said.

" No." Ivan says.

Cameron looked enraged which made the other team members anxious. He was supposed to say yes. Ace was someone he trusted or used to trust they were close. It was all supposed to go to plan.

But it didn't.
" I will not meet with you on your terms." Ivan explained.

A flicker of hope crossed Ace's eyes.
" You want to meet on your terms?" He asks.

" Yes." Ivan answers. "I will give you the coordinates of we're we will be meeting. You are a rat I want you to come a line no funny business. And Ace you better not be lying about the girls information. Or else both or our lives will be in grave danger." That is the last thing Ivan says before the lines cut.

Seconds later coordinates showed up on Ace's phone. " Did you track were he was calling from?" Cameron asked the tech team.

" Yes sir, we can check to see if it matches with the coordinates given to Agent Volkov." One of the team members says.

Cameron nods and they check it was indeed not the same place. Right now at this moment Ivan was located not even 20 minutes away from Ava.

" He lives 20 minutes away." Cameron rages. How could he let Ivan get so close. He couldn't believe that he had failed to check this or was it that the building was under someone else's name, someone we wouldn't expect to be associated with the mafia at all.

Cameron didn't have time to think about all that he needed to know if Ava was safe. His phone rang for a while before someone picked up.
" Ava are you okay?" He asked.

" She's sleeping right now, do you want me to wake her?" Ray says on the other line on Ava's phone. They had been napping before being disturbed by Cameron.

" Ray? What are you doing with Ava's phone?" He asked.

" We fell asleep and the phone kept ringing. I didn't want to wake her." He responded.

They both stayed quiet for a minute before Ray spoke again. " Did something wrong?"

Cameron didn't know whether to tell him this or not. He wanted to investigate more before any news got out.
" I'll tell you everything once I get home. Just make sure that Ava's okay and that she's eating well." He says.

" Alright." Ray said before hanging up.

Ace looked at Cameron amused. " It seems that Ray has grown quite interested in Ava." He teases.

Cam shook his head and smiled. " He's good for her." He said and Ace nodded.

They both started walking back to their original office to continue the investigations. "We need to figure out who's working with Ivan. He had to be someone we've seen before because there's no way we missed him when checking the buildings around your neighborhood." Ace says.

Cam hummed agreeing with what Ace said. " We also need a safe house. When they come for her they won't hold back and we'll need to get her out of there before they can touch her." Cam said.

" I have one but it's pretty far away and I'll have to make sure with some people that it's completely safe. But you'll need to talk to Ava about this. She does have a life outside of this." Ace says.

" Yeah well is it worth getting killed over?" Cam asked.

" Fair point."

I just went to the doctor today to get my shots and check up. But now my whole arm is numb. 🥲

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter❤️❤️

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