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Ava stood strong not letting her anxiety get the best of her as she looked at the bodyguards. They were only here to do their job, she reminded herself.

She cleared her throat so she could speak. " Hey, I'm Ava." She said introducing herself.

The girl sitting by the two body guards smiled at her. " Nice to meet you. I'm Farah, nice to meet you." She says.

Ava felt more reassured knowing that there would be another girl around her.

The guy sitting next to Farah was looking up at Ava in awe. " You are so beautiful." The guy says.

Ava felt flustered not being used to compliments. " Thank you." She responded.

Farah nudged the guy whispering harshly in his ears. His cheeks became red by what Farah had said.
" Sorry I'm Chris." He said introducing himself.

It was funny seeing someone as big and strong like him blushing it made Ava feel more secure. They were just people.

Ava nodded now waiting for the third guy to speak. But he held a grim look on his face while glaring at Ray.

" I know you." He harshly said while getting up.

" You're General Cao's kid, aren't you?" Every step he took Ray took one back.

" How do you know my father?" Ray asked, holding Ava's hand tighter and hiding her behind him.

" He's the reason my brother died ." The guy spat.

Ray had no reacting to this. You would think he would apologize but he didn't. It wasn't his fault. Why should he apologize for what his dad did?

" Ok?" Ray was wondering how long this would go on for since Ava's food was getting cold.

He seemed to have flared in anger. " Okay is that all you have to say. If your father hadn't led my brother wrong he would have been alive and thriving right now."

" I'm sorry for your loss but my father making the wrong move not only cost him his life but made me and my brother orphans. So as much as you would like to blame me for this, the person to blame is already dead. And I personally don't have enough energy to deal with you." Ray said, looking unbothered.

" Akward..." Chris whispered.
Making Farah scold him.

The guy sat back down and looked up at Ava who seemed to have become one with Rays back.

" Sorry if I scared you. My name is Ace." He said before standing up.
" I'll be outside the door." He said before walking out.

Ray let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. Then looked down at Ava and smiled. " I made you breakfast, let's go eat before they get cold." He said leaving the other two in the living room.

Ray served Ava her plate then his own.
" There's enough food left shouldn't we atleast offer them some." Ava said, pointing at the two.

" No, I'm eating seconds." He grunted while sipping his tea.

Ava quirked her eyebrows in amusement. " Even if you were eating seconds there would still be enough left."

Ray looked at Ava and his lips curled only for a minute before going back to his stoic face. " Are you trying to get me to admit something? He asked

She shook her head no. And continued eating.

" Do you think that Chris guy is cute?" Ray asked out of the blue not meeting her eyes.

Ava looked at him shocked but didn't say anything.

" Ava, answer me ." He persisted.

" I'll answer you when you look me in the eyes while asking me that question."
She smiled to herself while eating her meal.

It got very silent, both of them not saying a word.

Finally Ray cracked and stood up to take his plate to the sink. Just then Ava followed and decided on washing the dishes.

" Clear the table, I'll wash the dishes and since there is some food left, serve Chris and Farah." She said, looking at him.

Ray nodded and did just like Ava said.
Not even a second later he came back with both of the plates still full.

" They already ate." He said.

Ava hummed and continued to clean.
She could feel Ray eyes on her.

He walked behind her. Her back was against his chest and his hands held her waist.

Ava didn't mind but what she didn't understand was why he was doing it and why her throat felt so dry.

He leaned his head down on her shoulder and let out a small sigh.
" You make me crazy." He whispered in her ear.

Ava stood still. " I'm sorry?" She said unsure.

He lifted his head to look at her and smiled. " You make me crazy in the best way possible." He said.

Ava cleared her throat and looked down and continued to wash the dishes.

" Stop." He said holding her hands.
" I want you. I understand that you will need time and it won't happen now but I want you." He looked like a craved man.

"Why are you saying this?" He'd never gave a hint that he would want her in any sexual way so it confused her.

" Because Ava, I can't stand being next to you and not being able to touch you. I want to get to know you And be able to worship the ground you walk on. And l'adore your body and mind in every way possible. Only if you give me a chance." He said now looking her in the eyes.

This time it was her who couldn't keep eye contact. She had never been cared for in a Romantic way before. Though she had been in relationships they were mostly filled with sex.

" I-" before she could respond both her brother and Ace walked in the room looking at her with fear in their eyes.

" This case is way more complex and serious than we thought ." Her brother said out of breath.

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