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"You're drunk." Ray says while gently taking the keys from Ava.

" And your hands hurt. You are in no condition to be driving." She says trying to get the keys back.

Ray holds up the keys and so Ava can't reach them. " I think I'll survive, on the other hand you look like you're going to pass out so why don't you get in the car darling and I can drive us home safe."

Ava suddenly felt a rush of fatigue and decided it was best for her to get in the car and rest.

Ray went around to the passenger seat and opened the door for her. Ava tried repressing the smile that was constantly growing but couldn't.

" What are you smiling about?" Ray asked, getting comfortable in his seat.

" You're so nice to me and you're good at making me feel wanted. Thank you." Ava whispered as her eyelids slowly closed.

Ray had a small smile on his face as he looked down at Ava.
"I hope you realize that I'm only good at showing you that you're worth more than the moon itself."  He whispered.

The drive felt longer than it had to and Ray had a lot on his mind. Mostly it was how he'd be able to convince Ava to tell him what the jerk said to her.

He had a feeling it was something horrible and felt like it wouldn't be the last time he had to deal with Liam.

They arrived home and knocked on the door. Ray knocked for five minutes straight before giving up.

" Hey Ava I'm going to need the house keys I forgot mine inside." He whispered.

Ava looked barely alive holding on to Ray. " Umm I think I also forgot them." She says trying to keep her eyes open.

Ray sighed and continued bagging on the door. He stopped once he heard footsteps coming.

Cameron opened the door with a grim look on his face. He was already wearing his uniform and looked like he was getting ready to go back into the field.

" Glad you guys are safe." He said taking Ava from Ray.

" But I have something important to tell you." He looked at Ray with a serious impression which made Ray straighten up.

" You both are not allowed to go outside until I say so. There has been some suspicion that Ava may have a stalker and isn't just any ordinary one." He stated.

" I want you to tell her everything I'm about to say when she wakes up. Make sure she's calm when you do so. She tends to get nervous very easily and has severe PTSD. I wouldn't want her to freak out."

They both sit down and Cameron tells Ray everything that's been happening.
" We first had the Suspicion that she had a stalker a few weeks ago. Now I wanted to tell her the second I found out but me and my team wanted to make sure that it was in fact a stalker. And with deeper examination we've found out that it isn't just your average stalker but this is also a killer. A killer who doesn't have a type the only thing we know is that he kills women." He says.

" I want to be extra careful and I know that she's now starting to go out and becoming who she wants to be and in no way am I trying to stop that. But I have to put her safety first. So for right now she'll have to stay inside until I get bodyguards for her."

Ray was quite trying to process everything that Cameron just said. And for the first time in his life he felt scared for someone other than himself.

" I'll do everything I can to help her." He responded.

Cameron had a soft smile on his face looking at Ray. " I know you will, I'm glad my little sister has someone like you in her life."

" Oh and I won't be back for two days please be careful I'll get the bodyguard's out here as soon as possible."

He then left them and the only thought roaming through rays mind was how he could protect Ava.

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