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The three bodyguards

"Good morning sweetheart." Ray said, opening the blinds in Ava's room.

It was currently 12 pm and Ava was just now waking.

" It's too bright." She whined covering her head with the blanket.

Ray smiled at how cute she was and closed the blinds. " Sorry, I got you some pain killers and water here." He said handing them to her.

Ray was very nervous about telling Ava about the stalker situation. He cleared his throat and sat down in the chair next to her bed.

" Feeling any better?" He asked.

" Yeah, but I feel like something's off, is Cameron here?" She asked, getting up.

" No, he left last night. But I actually have something to tell you since Cameron couldn't yesterday.."

" What is it?" She asked."

" I think you should sit down for this."

She looked amused by how nervous he seemed. Surely it couldn't have been something serious she thought.

" What am I going murdered or something." She joked while getting herself seated.

" Something like that." Ray said avoiding eye contact.

Ava stilled. " What do you mean?" She asked.

Ray sighed and told her everything Cameron had told him. He could see that Ava was still registering everything but remembered what Cameron had said. She has severe ptsd her reacting like this probably wasn't good.

" But I'll be right there with you. Every step of the way I'm sure they're going to catch him in no time." Ray tried reassuring her.

" You don't know that. I'll probably be dead within two days. This could be my parents doing. If it is, I'll be dead by tomorrow." Ava was panicking.

She had done everything she could to escape from her parents. And she couldn't imagine going back to them. They were horrible people and she would rather die and go back.

" Why would your parents want you dead?" Ray asked. He didn't know much about Ava and Cameron's parents. He only knew that Cam had adopted Ava.

" Because they're crazy and crave control. My dad is a fucking sociopath." She said getting up. She looked to be raging with anger.

Her whole body stood still as if reliving her nights with her family. The torture and hatred.

Ray tried shaking her out of it but she wouldn't budge. Tears were running down her eyes and her fingernails were deep in her palms.

" Ava, can you hear me? I need you to open your hands, you're hurting yourself darling."

Ava slowly snapped out of it looking at Ray. " Please get your hands off me." She asked Ray. He quickly complied.

She let out a relieved sigh and went towards the bathroom. " I'll be in the shower." Was all she said before closing the doors.

Ray was very concerned but didn't want to invade her space; he knew this was a lot for her. So he went downstairs and decided to cook her some breakfast.

Just then his phone rang and it was Cameron calling.

" Hello." Ray said, putting the phone on speaker.

" Hey, how is Ava holding up?" Cam asked.

" She's not taking the news well." Ray responded, getting everything ready for breakfast.

" I'll be coming back soon, sorry to put all this on you." Cam said.

" It's no problem I care about Ava."

" Anyways i called to tell you that the bodyguards are heading up and are going to be there in about two minutes." Cam said.

" There are three so two will be inside and one outside. But just to be extra safe there will be people coming in to put in cameras."

Ray hummed, not too bothered by this. " Will Ava be comfortable with the Amount of men in the house?" He asked.

" I tried getting some female bodyguards but only one was available so there will be one out of the two coming in." Cam explained.

" Okay well if that's all I have to go before I burn the French toast." Ray said.

Cam hung up and Ray went to set the table. Just when he was about to walk upstairs he heard a knock on the door.

He walked over to it and looked at the peephole. " They're here already." He whispered to himself.

He opened the door and there stood two huge men who looked like they ate nothing but protein bars and then behind them there was a woman who looked just as buff, and she had a strong glare.

" You must be Ava, nice to meet you." The guy said, coming in.

" No, I'm Ray, I'm sure Cameron mentioned me." Ray said as the other two walked in.

" Oh yeah sorry, didn't want to judge a name you know." The guy said.

Ray hesitatingly nodded and went back to setting the table.

He could hear Ava walking down the stairs and decided to go get her so she wouldn't freak out.

Ava was wearing what she usually wore which was some oversized sweats, an oversized shirt and her pink bonnet.

She kept eye contact with Ray feeling bad that he had to see her like that.
" Hey I'm sorry about earlier." She said finally reaching the bottom of the stairs.

" Don't apologize for your emotions, your reaction was totally rational." Ray said.

" But I wanted to tell you that the body guards have arrived and are waiting in the living room. Also I made you breakfast."

She nodded and peaked in the living room. " They're big." She said in awe.

" Yeah kinda scary too." Ray agreed.

They both walked in the living room Ava holding on to Ray hand subconsciously ready to greet them.

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