Mister save your life

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I pull back in the drive way of the house where Adam told me to leave. I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I don't look weird after sobbing while I was driving home. I wasn't surprised when I saw I had red eyes from sobbing.

That didn't bother me right now tho, right now Adam's life was in my hands. I took a gun from a box we had in the car, never know when you need a gun.

I step out the car and run to the house to find the entrance. The front door wouldn't pudge but a window was open, probably where Adam went through. I jump in the house, unlock the front door just in case I need to run out quickly.

I walk around trying every door to find the door Adam went down. I finally reached the locked door. It had gone lock again. I shoot the doorknob and it falls off letting me go downstairs.

When I was finally down I see an alternate with harmed Adam. Something in me just burst, something I never have felt before. It was like anger but stronger.

"BACK OFF FROM HIM YOU BITCH" I yell at the alternate and start to shoot it. The shooting did not do anything to it. The alternate creeped closer to me slowly. If it was that slow maybe I could grab Adam and run out of here without that thing catching up.

I accidentally got caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that the alternate was just beside me and it pushes me against the wall really hard. It probably broke my nose since I could feel blood running out from it.

It grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me around the room, sometimes hitting walls pretty hard that the places must have bruised and sometimes graphing into glass or something sharp scratching me up.

It lastly threw me at a wall beside Adam. I felt so weak from the pain but I couldn't give up yet. The gun was still in my hand so with the last 5 bullets I shot it in the face mostly aiming at its forehead and eyes.

It's face was more distorted and it fell, not moving. Maybe I finally killed it. I stand up and pick up Adam to run back in the car. I started the car and drove to the nearest hospital, I didn't care if they recognized us, only thing that mattered was Adam being okay.

Adam's POV:

The last thing I remember was seeing an alternate and then i think I passed out.

I came back to my senses as something was shaking. I opened my eyes slowly to discover that I was in a moving car. I looked to the left and saw Jonah driving the car, constrainting on the road.

Did he really just save my life after I told him to leave. I then realized that his nose was bleeding and his hoodie was ripped in a few places.

The car stopped somewhere with a lot of light and Jonah looked at me. He didn't say a word, went out the car and from my side he picked me up and ran to the big house which was probably the hospital.

I couldn't really hear what everyone were saying or yelling since my ears were ringing. I was snatched from Jonah's arms and put on a bed. They gave me some anesthesia and I fell asleep.

Curse you [Mandela Catalogue Adam x Jonah]Where stories live. Discover now