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♥️💬Liked by jungkookie

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Liked by jungkookie.117 and 17,934 others
Moonjoon starting mixtape promotions soon... wait... damn I don't think I was supposed to say that

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User9 lmao just joon casually announcing mixtape

User12 oh yes! I love promotion periods! So much content 😍

Jseok can't wait to hear it!
Moonjoon, oh thanks man, didn't expect to see you here!

Eatjin I'm so excited I'm getting hungry!!
Moonjoon we can go grab something later tonight! I miss you 😢
Eatjin you saw me less that 24 hours ago you big baby, but I never turn down food so ofc
Moonjoon I'm you're big baby tho :)
eatjin ofc you are baby

User17 I live for namjin, such a duo 😩


Jungkook was a little lost he had only been in the company building a few times to help taehyungs get yoongi out of the studio, but he had never been by himself. Yoongi rarely came here anymore cause he wound up with a studio in his home.

Jungkook hoped he didn't look as lost as he was. He was excited about today, not that he would ever let anyone know that.

Jungkook wondered what kind of song they were going to make, would there be rap in it? How long would it be? What would it be about.

Jungkook was also curious about j-hope, was he tall? Was he nice? Although jungkook would beat up anyone who deserved it he didn't like hitting people, he preferred when people were nice. What did he smell like?

Jungkook had a sensitivity to certain smells sometimes they gave him the worst migraines, so he wore a mask a lot, much like he was now.

Jungkook had been wandering aimlessly for about five minutes now and
It looked like the guards were starting to get suspicious.

But he felt like if he were to ask them, why would they tell him? Taking his phone from his pocket he opened instagram and went to his dms.



I'm lost...
how do I get there again?

Oh no worries lol, just tell
me where you are and I'll
come find you.


Jungkook had to ask one of the security guards cause he didn't know that information either


Im by the ruby conference room?

Oh, I know exactly where
you are, be there soon,
hang tight.



Jungkook slipped his phone back into his pocket and bowed to the guard in thanks. he shifted back and forth for a minute before he someone come into view from around the corner.

For some reason, all the colors in his outfit told jungkook it was j-hope before he even got close enough to see his face clearly.

"Jungkook!" J-hope grinned wide, coming upon the boy all dressed in black.

"Afternoon, hyung" Jungkook bowed.

"Oh wow, someone with manners! Maybe Jimin should take some lessons from you, disrespectful brat" Hoseok said, mumbling the last part about his bestfriend. Jungkook could tell he was kidding but tried his best not to laugh.

"Anyway, you weren't far away, it's just a couple halls this way" Hoseok said, glancing at the younger. He wondered why he was wearing a mask. He wanted to see his full face.

Jungkook on the other hand was somehow shocked and how open even j-hope expressions were. His presence was phenomenal.

After exchanging very little words in the walk to the studio, they entered and jungkook sat down in the chair the older gestured too.

"Okay, hyung will explain everything before we get started. Sound good?" Jungkook thought it was kind of funny that Hoseok referred to himself in the third person but figured he must like honorifics.

"Yes" Jungkook replied, turning his attention to the devices in front of them. Hoseok explained everything and it seemed sort of confusing to Jungkook.

He didn't know how people produced their own music. Except yoongi hyung, he was practically a genius.

"Okay. Today we'll just do a writing session so we won't have to worry about any buttons or anything." Jungkook nodded at what hoseok was saying, feeling a little hot behind the mask.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked nervously, he didn't want to come off weird.

"Of course," j-hope watched the younger pick at the Velcro straps of the brace on his wrist.

"Do you wear any cologne or spray anything in here?"

"Oh... not usually, I have a fragrance candle but it's very light." J-hope replied, he wasn't expecting that question. Did he stink or something?

Jimin always told hoseok that his natural smell was nice.

"Oh, do you mind if I take off my mask?" Jungkook asked and j-hope beamed,

"of course not. Whatever makes you comfortable" Jungkook pulled off his mask, breathing in slightly. His lungs relaxed. It smelled nice, nothing bold.

Very slight fragrance.

"I have a sensitivity to harsh smells" Jungkook explained sheepishly and hoseok grinned, the boy was cute.

"No worries, I'll remember not to bring anything that smells intense." Jungkook smiled and j-hope swore his heart hiccuped. He looked so cute! Like a little bunny.

"Thank you, hyung"

"No worries."

"So..." jungkook started. "What should we write about?"

"We can write about whatever you want, bunny"

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