Aeternus Amator

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[A/N: Hello my lovely readers! Thank you all for your patience and understanding as I attempt to get used to this new schedule and job! I apologize that several days have passed without an update, but I love you all and I hope you all enjoy this new extra-long chapter! -K🖤]

[🌌This chapter is very long, contains slight swearing, sexual insinuations, and angst.🌌]
Another two, grueling days had slowly rolled by, making it nearly a week that the fleet of Resistance pilots had been gone and the two-way communications system had failed. There had been no transmissions or attempt at receiving a far reaching signal. Tensions and worries were exceedingly high, but it was widely understood that this particular mission was to be a crucially important and extended directive, as it also lasted a significant amount of time.

My Poe had been separated from me for almost an entire week. An entire week of failing to sleep while surrounded by heaps of pillows, an entire week of hardly eating while accompanied by an empty chair, an entire week of comforting myself through nightmares of watching my home be engulfed by lapping flames, an entire week of faithfully watching the stars with tear-filled eyes. An entire week of being completely alone.

To calm my erratic nerves and to ease my racing thoughts that perpetrated my every waking moment, I had spent most of my time with General Leia. In the span of our time together, I had learned that I possessed a gift, a blessing.

With Leia's assistance, I was beginning to understand the rarity and precious nature of the force that existed strongly within me, as strange as its existence was. She had begun to train me delicately, as to not cause chaos or confusion as I began to embrace this unusually powerful energy.

We had spent hours alongside each other, whether it be in the confines of a specific room or in the middle of the forest, training and appreciating the force in all of its beauty as I harnessed the basic steps. There was a balance being established within me that settled my anxiousness and had returned me to a state of peace that I had long awaited for.

Embracing the force resulted in me embracing myself once more.

My legs were curled underneath me as I sat in Poe's bed, quietly humming the enchanting melody that he would intimately hum in his hypnotic, baritone voice as he embraced me against him beneath the sheets. I brushed my hair over my shoulder with a sign, not having braided it, purposely, for six days in his absence.

As a wife who had been separated from her husband, leaving my hair unbraided was symbolic, especially on Interitus, signifying that I was only half of a whole and incomplete while my husband had been called off to an intergalactic battle.

I carefully pushed the needle through the orange fabric, drawing it back out in a single, fluid motion while the string valiantly followed behind it. After nearly an entire day of lessons with Leia, I was finally able to relax my body and mind with a task I was familiar with, and that I had desired to return to.

It had been weeks since I had stitched anything, and even this small repair brought immense joy and satisfaction to me. I pressed the needle into the material once more, sealing the obsidian glittery fabric and the orange material together.

When I had visited Poe's ship before he had departed, I had found the smallest piece of torn material from my gala dress that had somehow survived the events of the dress being discarded completely. It had been hidden beneath my chair, its survival totally unknown to us. My hypothesis was that it had been severely disregarded and had simply gotten caught beneath my chair, detaching completely and was left behind.

Now it was repairing Poe's torn flight suit, offering a contrasting dark patch to the brightness of his signature color.

I stretched my neck with a soft groan, realizing the uncomfortable position I had been sitting in while so dedicated and focused on the task at hand. My thumb pressed the end of the sewing needle into the orange fabric and quickly returned it. The last stitch was finally complete, and with a content knot hidden on the inside, I rapidly tore the thin string with my teeth.

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