Contritos Corde

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[A/N: Hello, my loves! I sincerely apologize for my lack of activity and posting. My schedule has been filled to the brim, and I wanted to write a crafted chapter for you all to thoroughly enjoy. So, I purposefully waited until I was sure I could deliver what I promised you all. Thank you all for being patient and understanding with the new challenges in my posting schedule. I love each and every one of you and I hope you enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌌This chapter is extremely long and contains severe and saddening angst.🌌]
It had been nearly an hour since Poe had received the urgent transmission from my father. While the message proved that my family and planet had survived the unforeseen attack on the evening of my birthday, it also doubled as a major and especially tense issue between Poe and myself.

I would possibly be returning home where it was finally safe, and as for Poe, he didn't quite explain what this meant for us. The moment that we first left Interitus, he was only my pilot, and now that we were to inevitably return, he had become my husband and only lover of my soul.

I had been formulating a way to explain to my parents that I was so longer to be pursued by suitors, because I had already chosen who my forever lover would be.

Since rereading through the message several times, Poe had been unnaturally quiet and reserved. He hardly spoke, even if I tried to prompt him.

"Poe?" I interrupted the silence from the co-pilot seat behind him, holding my hands in my lap as he simply hummed in response. "Where are we going now?" We had just departed from Cor-Al, and as much as I didn't want to leave the planet, I was more than ecstatic to see my home once more.

He sniffed and craned his neck, but he didn't meet my eyes. "We're going back to the base. You'll need to gather your things." His response was gruff and brisk, and his lack of eye contact only sparked more worry within me.

"But I didn't bring anything with me, except the clothes that you got for me on Merox." I held onto the back of his chair as I explained the situation, but he only shook his head in response. My hand slipped over the arm rest of his seat to comfortingly hold onto his shoulder, but he only leaned away from my touch.

I licked my dried lips and dejectedly sat in my seat with my back plastered flat against the rough cushions as Poe cleared his throat in consideration. "Then you'll change into those clothes." His focus was only directed to the vast expanse of the cosmos before him as we silently traveled back to the Resistance base.

I nodded in return, wanting to reach for him, but I ultimately decided against it. He didn't appear to be in the best of moods and never would I want to add onto his worrisome behavior. With a exhausted sigh, I relaxed back against the seat, taking in the view above me with complete wonder.

Never would I be used to seeing the stars and other planets so close to me, just a reach away now that my Poe had finally brought me to them.

My hands gently pressed against the chilled glass as I admired the distant and colorful swirls of nebulas and the massive shapes of celestial bodies that we quickly passed. The window became slightly fogged due to my small and excited huffs of exhaled breaths.

I faintly smiled as I turned to notice BB-8 also silently watching from his perch behind the glass canopy. His head swiveled and gazed in constant curiosity, even though he had visited more and even farther reaches of space than I had ever imagined.

But one day, amongst the stars, I would see it all and fulfill my fantasies of familiarizing myself with the stars I so desperately reached for as a result of many years of patiently waiting.
By the time we had returned to the Rebel base, night had fallen, covering the planet with a familiar darkness of tranquility and rest. Nearly every Rebel had retreated to their quarters as a result of such an exciting day of unprecedented proportions.

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