In Morte Separamus

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[A/N: Hello, my lovelies! I have been so excited to write the chapter and post it for you all. This is one of the longest chapters of this book, reaching 10k words 🤭. With that being said, I have used two specific songs in crafting this chapter. You don't have to listen to them, but they particularly inspired me. I'll mention the songs and where to play them for the full "cinematic" experience. Anyways, I know you want to read, so, please enjoy. I love you all! 🖤 -K]

[🌌This chapter is extremely long, contains swearing, insinuations, and angst.🌌]
{Past the Point of No Return - Phantom of the Opera (Instrumental). Leave it on repeat 🤭}

I could only watch as the first rays of dawn began to peak over the horizon. Iridescent rays of one of the suns creeped over the land I had come to love. A planet that I had been raised to lead. Now, it served as a reminder that I could never leave.

I leaned against the edge of the open window, feeling an agonizing emotion tear through my heart. The view of dawn was utterly breathtaking and the crispness of the morning air was refreshing. But every breath taken in the silence of the morning only confirmed what I knew.

He was gone.

I had read his letter repeatedly, praying over every sentence and meditating on his promises. His ring sat proudly on my finger, although a bit loose, and was now reflecting the colors of the salutations of the morning sky.

Unable to sleep, I had stayed awake through the night, attempting to paint as fast as I could, wanting to memorialize the significance of the dark colors and to contrast the light strokes. My tired eyes sorrowfully drifted to my newest painting.

As sacred as stained glass, it could easily become a religious relic should I belief in it steadfastly. It was an eternalized moment, a holy and frozen second from when we shared the same starlit, evening atmosphere. The perspective was the midnight sky from the view of my window.

It was our last night together.

I ground my teeth together, wondering if I could have changed the outcome. What could I have done differently? Is there still time? Do we still have a slim chance of finding each other again? I slowly twisted Poe's ring on my finger, considering his note from the night before. He said he had a plan.

Perhaps he knew something I didn't.

I released a sigh of discontentment and glanced over the edge of my window. In the dewy grass below, two rabbits were happily jumping around the other, inciting a playful chase to ensue.

My hands felt the stone of the windowsill, smiling in remembrance. I could almost envision his handsome face, flushed and glistening with sweat as he gripped the edge of the window. It was as if he had scaled the wall only yesterday, as I vividly remembered every second.

How high the window seemed now.

I peered over the edge, mentally calculating just how far down the ground was from my view. The rabbits continued to hop, unaware of my curious gaze. They seemed so free and content. They had no cares or fears. They were happy.

I calculated the distance and the energy required to enact a dangerous plan. I grabbed handfuls of my layered dress, wondering if I could maneuver safely with the weight of it all. If I swung my leg over-

A sudden knock at my door startled my thoughts.

Panicked, I hurried to close the window panes and to pull the curtains closed. I picked up my painting and shoved it under my bed, not wanting it to be taken from me prematurely.

Another knock.

I ran my hands over the wrinkles along the front of my yellow dress, not wanting to arouse suspicion. I swept my hair over my shoulders and opted for a crownless appearance.

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