ACT VIII: Water vs mist

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Enemy identity:
Name: zkhaev chi
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Nationality: Russian/chinese
Main power: can control and manipulate the mist and diseases at will
Technique: mist form
Fun fact:
He posses the power of holler, from norse mythology

While seul-ki and sherwin is chasing down the airplane, they noticed zkhaev and suijin are fighting from afar. suijin then release his first ever technique and naming it "path 1: the bomb of the sea" it will create a mini tsunami that will eat up anything on it's way, zkhaev then flew from the clouds escaping the tsunami.

Suijin follows him as he attacks zkhaev using a trident, zkhaev then release his 18th path "the raning acid" suijin use the chariot as a barrier then quickly use another technique called "path 2: the warrior of the seas" he will command a thousands of soldiers from the water.
Those soldiers have sharky face with human body and holding a spear.

Then zkhaev release the technique he use against sherwin called "path 16: soldier mist". Then the two opposing team collide in the sky.

Sherwin and seul-ki was amazed on how gorgeous and beautiful the sky were during their fight

The two opposing team clashes
The warriors from the sea is having a big advantage against the mist soldiers, zkhaev then release his 11th path: "the disease of dawn" weakening all of the soldiers of the sea, the mist is taking this advantage to charge and defeat the warriors, while suijin release another technique called "path 3: shining trident" he throw his trident towards to zkhaev rapid speed, making zkhaev lost an arm, then the trident returns to suijin.

Zkhaev then release his 19th path: "the tangled smoke" which will release alot of smoke recreating the spikey vines.
Now that the warriors of the sea is having a big disadvantage so zkhaev take his time to follow the airplane once again. Suijin is having a hard time to fight the mist soldiers since they multiplied, seul-ki and sherwin arrived,
They said "go! We will handle this!" Suijin was thankful and go after zkhaev

Zkhaev was getting close once again to the airplane without everyone noticing it except for nifuji, nifuji noticed zkhaev aura so he use the bow that was given to him, he opened the window of the airplane, and started shooting zkhaev, zkhaev absorb all of them, but what zkhaev didnt know is that nifuji releases a technique called "path 1: the calvary's arrow" calvary's arrow is a technique which would make the arrow explosive and more faster, zkhaev didnt absorbed it and fall from his chariot.

Then suijin saw him falling, he quickly throws his trident into zkhaev making zkhaev being badly injured, he then zkhaev then release his final form "path 20: the mist and the disease"

Zkhaev turn into a giant mist, suijin was shocked by his giant and titanic form, zkhaev punches the air, but those punches contains acid and flu, suijin got hit in the arm(not severe) by an acid and felt the immense pain, suijin then flashes before his eyes, the moments he cherished and the moments that he wants to return

Suijin release his 6th path: "the calamity of the sea"
Suijin turns into a titan form like zkhaev, absorbing everything from the sea and creating a giant shield in his chest, his trident also grow bigger

Both of the titans started dwelling.
It was a historical moments for suijin and zkhaev, zkhaev punches the chest of suijin but it hits no effect, suijin hits zkhaev with his trident and zkhaev flew over from the sea
Suijin then release his 4th form: the raging vortex" creating a large vortex from the sea

But zkhaev's titan fall didn't fall there, so suijin jumps from his titan form and charged towards zkhaev, zkhaev didnt realize it so suijin enters the mist titan.
He saw zkhaev standing and floating
Suijin grabs zkhaev's foot and throws him away from the mist

The mist titan and sea titan began to fall
Zkhaev then remembers the memories of her daughter from russia, on how he promised he'll return one day
Zkhaev smiles as he gets the picture of her daughter from the pocket
While looking, zkhaev said "my beautiful josefina, forgive your father, cause he won't be returning home anymore" zkhaev then smiles and crying while falling in the vortex

The vortex has a spikey figure
That can lead to anyone's death.
so zkhaev fall from the vortex.

Suijin then saw the picture zkhaev's holding and felt pity, he should've given mercy to him, he then realize If he did the right thing, sherwin and seul-ki came to aid him off but the battle had ended, suijin asked them if killing someone's father was the righteous thing to do, sherwin response with "it wasn't your fault, this is the battlefield, feeling pity on the enemy will only weaken your focus" and so they rest on the nearby country.

While on the plane, henry and the gang landed safely to france, henry calls seul-ki and seul-ki said that they'll be fine. kaminari feels alot better now and they were ready to teach some techniques and path

The enemy's organization heard about the news, they were disappointed, to prevent someone from dying he sent 2 powerful foes to fight the gang in france while he sent 1 to fight suijin and the others.

They toured for a bit, they take a shot in paris, eat some variety foods from france and even got themselves their own painting, it was a lovely day for them.

But from far away, in a library called
"Bibliothèque nationale de France"
(Which translated to "National library of france") there was a man waiting for their arrival

He said "it seems that the Japanese, had breached their way from the roaring sea, I've been anticipating for this moment, this broken world, really has a fascinating figures. kaminari kitamura huh? I'll be looking forward to your arrival"

So the team split up and master their way to the enemy's domain,
What will happen? Who was the man on the library? How will they defeat 2 powerful foes at the same time? We will know these answer in the next chapter

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