Act XXIII: Madness reigns over the sea

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The battle continues and london is on havoc. Seul-ki and the other immediately evacuated the civilians, including the lady queen Elizabeth.

Suijin created a large hand from the thr water below and instantly punches yue, The water contains all of the remains of the london bridge.

Yue got blasted all the way back to selsey beach where they started.
Suijin follows his prey. just before he goes to the beach, quilge calls suijin and tell him about a plan he thinks.

Suijin arrived at the beach, the beach was plain empty and got nothing to see besides the sea and the sands.

A large slash was dwelled besides suijin and instantly hitting him. Yue then attacked suijin with a sword and suijin got stabbed in the chest.

Yue dwells with the weakened suijin and suijin got blasted to the sea.
The sea was covered in blood of the wounded suijin.

Suijin falls under the deepest part of the sea.
Suijin awoke from a garden full of roses, sunflower and other more flowers. he saw a beautiful lady from afar, he walks towards her and asked where he is, suijin then realized that he was nowhere near yue and got worried.

The woman replied with " you must go back where you belong suijin, sticking with the cult will only give you pain, to you, to maki and kaminari, escape now while you still have time."

Suijin look at his hand and said
"I have faith on kaminari, even if the strongest nor the weakest is our enemy,  we will both solve it together."

The woman then said "oh understandable, the world will wish you the best of luck, farewell suijin ryuzaki."

The woman pushes suijin into the flowers and suijin falls into a deep hole, suijin screams and he suddenly woke up under the sea, suijin realized that he's not strong enough to defeat yue in his current state, suijin's body starts absorbing the water from the sea.

His wound heals and all of the sea monsters from the sea approached suijin, the monster speak "let us give you the armor that's durable enough to hold a hundred meteor."

The monster's body started to emerged with suijin and created a powerful outfit.

The armor is beautiful, it's made out of gold-steal with a helmet that represents the strength of the monsters, he then rapidly jumps out of the sea and returned from the beach.

Suijin saw yue defeating hundreds of the cult's army. Suijin slams the ground creating an earthquake. Yue jumps out of his position and the ground started to collapse.

Yue releases their sword and slashed suijin, however the armor is too durable to get penetrate easily.
Suijin grabs yue's hand and rapidly attacks yue with his trident.

Suijin then throws yue towards france.
Yue gets back on their feet and right before they look back, quilge attacks them. Yue got blasted with 2400°F hitting yue's chest.

Yue is on flames yet they haven't died yet. Eros and the others waited for yue
To arrest him. Yue then falls into the water, and just before eros approached towards yue, yue created a large vortex from the ground and swallows the boat from the sea.

The others was shocked and couldn't believe what they just witness, yue levitates from the vortex and approached the shore with incredible speed.

Just before he lands, a large red hand attacks yue and he got blasted all away.
The one who blasted yue was the woman who posses the power of persephone.

She then uses her blood to chain up yue, yue got captured by eros and the others.

Yue laughs as they kept repeating the word "what a funny set up! haha!"
Souske then approached yue, the said
"Oh well, isn't it the man whose capable of destroying the cult, are you got ordered to capture the great yue?"

Souske replied "perhaps I got ordered by the higher ups, but it's none of my concern to kill you to begin with, afterall you're also immortal, rachel."

Yue got chained by souske and was sent to the prison of the vanguards.

Back in london, kaminari and Rinshiki's battle continues and both have been foughting beautifully.

Kaminari stops time and rapidly throws hundreds of thunderbolt from the sky and from his hand.

Time starts moving once again and Rinshiki was heavily injured. Rinshiki stars laughing as kaminari was clueless on what's going on.

Rinshiki said "you don't know the goal of the cult you were into huh?"
Kaminari replied with "what are you talking about"

Rinshiki laughs and laughs and laughs leaving kaminari to confusion, just before kaminari activates another stop time, rinshiki screams "ACT THIRD! THE POWER OF ASGARD" the water rises from the ground and form a large circle, the clouds started forming a circle and Rinshiki have evolved once again into a powerful form.

Kaminari was suprised and was stunned that he couldn't move properly, rinshiki said "behold! The power of asgard!".

Kaminari was consumed with fear and stops time, but before he could attack Rinshiki, time had moved again.

Rinshiki laughs and said "the power of stop time was already predicted! So the power of asgard can measure and fasten your stop time into 2.0 seconds!"

Kaminari was trembling in fear and couldn't think what he could do next.
Rinshiki created a large scythe and slashed kaminari.

Kaminari got hit and was blasted all the way to the bridge.
Maki saw him and she approached kaminari.

Kaminari's chest has a wound bleeding, maki tries to heal it but it would take 30 minutes for the wound to be fully healed.

She was tearing up and begging for kaminari to woke up.
Kaminari is still unconscious and couldn't move, then he saw a woman before him.

She was the woman from suijin's dream earlier, kaminari approached her and asked where's the exit but the girl said "please kaminari, save london from rinshiki" kaminari got motivated and saw the women's tears dropping.
He promised the girl that he will defeat Rinshiki and take London's peace back.

The girl gave kaminari a tea that can strengthen the physical and speed of his body, kaminari drank it and all of the wounds from his body were gone.

The woman pushed kaminari and he falls on the flowers, just like suijin, he also falls into a deep hole and was screaming, he then remembered all of the things that he forgot from the past.

He woked up and saw maki crying, he wiped out maki's tear and said "stop crying maki, your tears are not worth of crying just because of me" maki was suprised and happy as she saw kaminari back again, kaminari saw maki healing his would and thank him.

Kaminari stands up and was about to return to the battlefield.
Maki said "don't stand yet! You're still in pain"
Kaminari then said "hey maki, remember when we first met at elementary?" Maki teared up and crying because kaminari finally remembers it"

Kaminari then said "I'll make the dream you desired come true, so just wait there and watch me accomplish it from afar."

Kaminari jumps with lighting armor surrounding his body, he saw Rinshiki about to blast a powerful aura to the city, kaminari tackled Rinshiki onto the air and he attacks her with a powerful blow of his lightning bolt.

Rinshiki said "you're not the only one who can use that!" Rinshiki attacks kaminari with a powerful lightning, but kaminari was now immune to any lightning/electric base attack.

Kaminari then slashed Rinshiki with his powerful diamond scythe and she got blasted mid air.

Sherwin from afar in a building,  laughing and watching them fight as he long waited.
Gabriel then confronts sherwin and said "how long will you kept up the act, yujin?" Sherwin replied and said " I have long waited this moment, commander in chief reyes. I wanted this delightful moment to come true."

Gabriel point his gun towards sherwin and sherwin jumps from the building
The building explodes and gabriel saw a rope heading towards the corroded clock.

Gabriel jumps into it and ziplines his way out of it.
Gabriel watched as Rinshiki and kaminari dwelled.

To be continued. . .

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