Act XXXI: recruiting some old-known faces

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While quilge is flying, him and ryan sense some pretty familiar energy, ryan told quilge to stop by in paris and checked something.

Ryan destroyed the door of an old house in paris and saw a wounded zayn and the falcon, falcon quickly drew his feathers while zayn already loose a will and urge to fight.

Zayn said "without riri, I'm left alone with nothing."
Ryan kicks him and said "Rinshiki ain't dead, she's in the underworld or helheim, we can just ask souske and Lynda(the women who possess hel) for her to get revive."

Zayn was filled with joy and ready to fight once again, he drew his sword and ask the falcon to stop stancing and follow quilge.

Before quilge and the others leave, carl was walking and said "look what I have found here" the others look at him with a shock face, Ryan asked him "carl, you bastard, how did you get in paris?"

Carl said that he also wants to take revenge on the man named "elvis", carl also dugged the hole that damian was sealed upon, Damian shows up and was ready to take revenge once again.

Quilge rides to his chariot and puts up a rope for ryan and the girl, zayn rides on the falcon, damian and carl releases their own chariot.

While flying through america, carl informed that there's still individuals around the world that posses the power of a Norse.

Carl and zayn was the only people who knows their location. so, carl, zayn and the falcon flew all across Europe to recruit some familiar faces, while the rest flew back to america.

In america, kaminari dominates the United states, defeating a total of 37 greek possessors.
Him, the giant were unstoppable, instead of going to orlando, they got lost and arrived to New York instead where kayie, yunna and Kurayami was running away.

Las Vegas-


New York-

They split and go to different state for answers.

Kayie and the others are running cause they don't want to destroy the place, they ran into a gap between 2 buildings, yunna got tripped and fall into the ground, the guards jumped and was about to kill her when suddenly, Rokougun came from the wall and destroyed the soldiers, kaminari then uses his scythe to wipe out the remaining guards.

Kaminari explains to Kurayami that they have conquered several places on the united states, including Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago and several more.

The president also let them wreck the city just to find elvis, inexchange, they must defeat elvis at all cost NO MATTER WHAT.

Kaminari and Kurayami teamed up and fought the enemy together.
They have arrived at New Jersey where donatello and marcelino were waiting, they launched air strikes to kaminari, but kaminari stops time and launched it back.

In Toronto, gabriel heard about the news and he ordered logan to make the city toronto slept so the guards wont attack them and the civilians won't get hurt, a kid was awake and said "mister! Please save us!" Logan came towards her and comforts the kid, she then grabs the kid and returned her to her home.

Logan woked the parent's kid and asked them to take good care of her.
The kid introduce her, named "Sarah" soon the name will bloom as the flowers began to uprise.

Gabriel and logan reunited with the others in Philadelphia and launched an attack to new Jersey.

In the other hand, jasmine vien and sasaki were in Las Vegas gambling, sasaki was talking to a mafia boss while jasmine and vien enjoying themselves, they kept winning a 7!

Vien drinks too much wine and had a trouble with a gambler in the casino, vien and the gambler throw punches lightly, jasmine created vines to stop both of them and she got praised by the gamblers and the staffs in the casino.

Sasaki then heard about kaminari's arrival and asked the mafia boss if they can help, the mafia boss wants to but they can't since they lack manpower.

The boss give them air support instead and flew them on a military's airplane.
They were going towards new Jersey.

Rokougun breached the barrier of new Jersey and fought the guards there while running.

Quilge and the others were flying through the chariot when suddenly, he found the helicopter where sasaki was.

He asked sasaki if maybe ryan can ride and so they opened the back and the two went in.

They talk about their master plan and thinking of a way to stop them.

In the other hand, elvis was watching kaminari in new Jersey from a television, laughing as he plays with a snow globe.

Suijin then was saw getting chained up on elvis' lair and was brainwashed by him saying that his enemy was kaminari and nothing more.

Suijin jumps to the roof and destroyed the office, elvis laughs as he said that he will have kaminari's power soon.

Kaminari held marcelino's shirt and threw him off into a rooftop, kaminari also follows him. kaminari throws punches to marcelino with heavy and unavoidable punches.

Marcelino then felt unconscious and kaminari spared him, but before he leave marcelino warned kaminari that "elvis is on Mexico, he hold captived the hostages in Orlando to trick you, be careful kaminari-kun" kaminari thanked him and jumps off the building, marcelino looked at to the sky and apologized to salazar for what he have done.

Yunna made donatello angry, donatello couldn't think anything but anger for no reason, kurayami then embodies donatello with darkness, blasting donatello away, he also got spared.

Kaminari jumps back on rokougun and warned each one of them for traps.

They have fleed and launched to orlando.

To be continued. . .

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