Chapter XVII: power strives for victory

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In a cold evening day, the cult and the others travelled below the sea by using suijin's power. They have arrived into the shore of Portuguese where they were guided by the 9 muses, eros and psyche.

They were later on brought to france because the water in Portuguese is occupied by the organization.

They came prepare in the shore of Normandy, souske and the others came to greet them, henry suggest souske to join but souske refuses. Him and the other gang still got things to take out.

Souske and the others left. The cult then prepares alot of spears, swords, bow and more.

Quilge, the man who posses the power of helios, bring the power of the sun to rise once again. Everyone in the europe wondered why did the sun rises but it's still midnight.

They all charged in london where the enemies' lair upholds.

The enemy got alert, they felt the sense of helios so the organization quickly deploy their man to the shores.

They have arrived at selsey beach, whwre there are only few guards that was guarding the area.

They take this advantage and attacked them. The enemy organization got alert, they sent hundreds and thousands of man to attack them.

The other members of the organization also came to participate with them.

The cult attacked and make their way to london. They have made their way to several places, such as the south downs national park, guilford and have arrived at Surrey hills where the organization is waiting. Total man power they have, is 60,000 soldiers.

The organization shoots alot of arrows in the air, the commander of the Spartans, king leonidas shouted "man! Rise your shield and defend yourselves!" They all raised their shield up and defend it, same goes to the other soldiers.

Then sherwin shouted
"My man!...ADVANCED!"

All of the 35,000 soldiers attacked the organization. Quilge then launch alot of fireballs towards the enemy's tower.

Then..a man who posses the power of Ra arrived facing Quilge.

The others as well make their way to the tower of the organization.

They have climbed up and attacks the people in the tower.

Into the other side of the hills, 45,000 soldiers are waiting, so the cult soldiers charged downhill, the organization stopped the attack of the archer and starts charging as well.

They both collide in the other side of the hills, it was a blood thirst battle,
The spartan attacked every torso of the enemy leaving them alot of advantage.

Sherwin and seul-ki was about to flew off in london when suddenly they faced ryan, the man who holds the power of thor.

Sherwin says "it's been a long time hasn't it ryan?" Ryan replied "I'll never thought of the day that I'll be fighting the two of you together" seul-ki response with "we were rivals once, but not anymore" then they both attacked ryan.

In the other team, kaminari saw an eye that was behind a giant rock, when a prisoner came to check on it he turned into stone.

It was found that the eye in the rock was a gorgeon eye. A girl with snakes in her head appeared before them, she said "so you are kaminari huh" kaminari and the others close their eyes as the woman speaks.
Kaminari asked "who are you?" The woman responded with "Caitlyn, who podses the power of medusa".

Kaminari stays calm as all they needed to do not look at the eye of medusa.

Then the woman suddenly punched kaminari and he got blasted.
Scarlet opens her eyes and shouted kaminari's name, the woman take this advantage and use the gorgeon eye but a prisoner sacrificed himself to turn himself a stone, he jump infront of scarlet to prevent her from looking and he was turned into stone instead.

Scarlet shouts her eyes again as she was constantly reaching kaminari.

The woman then chained scarlet up as she can't move. The woman said
"Kaminari, fight me with your strength if you want this girl to live" kaminari then released a lightningbolt throwing it randomly.

Scarlet then kicks the women's head and bleeds up, she opens her eyes and uses her technique "love of Olympus"
This power can seduce anyone that got hit, it can also turn them into stone.

The woman saw this and quickly dodges, she kicks scarlet and got blasted as well, kaminari stands behind them blindfolded with a powerful lighting bolt in his hand, the woman trembled in fear and was too late to move.

Kaminari struck his lighting bolt to her and she got electrocuted constantly. She fell unconscious and the water was soaked with blood.

They later on found an opening where the woman starts appearing, they fled from there and escaped.

Zayn and the falcon man kept searching in the prison until they noticed the power of medusa's presence was gone, they quickly head towards her jailset.

While kaminari and the others are leaving, the woman appears before them They all were shocked, they all close their eyes except for kaminari.

Kaminari turned into stone, the woman laugh as she felt enjoyment and satisfaction.

Scarlet saw this and run towards kaminari begging for him to return.

Kaminari woked up in a garden, he saw an old man standing next to him saying
"You must be kaminari" and kaminari asked "who are you?" The man didn't replied and asked kaminari to follow him.

They sat on a flower, the old man asked what happened to kaminari, kaminari then replied that he can't remember.

The old man says "your time has not yet come kid, go back to the battlefield and change your fate, I'll be watching."
Kaminari then falls to a black hole.

The stone effect of the gorgon eye suddenly started tearing off, the stone itself got destroyed.

Kaminari then said "I have changed my fate, no I can no longer take the effect of the eye you posses" the woman tries to run but kaminari struck her with a powerful lighting bolt.

She got electrocuted and fell into the ground, the gorgon eye rolls and got buried in the stones.

They run quickly as possible and seek a light to the other side. They have flewed off to the other side of london.

In the other hand, zayn saw blood on the women's lair, they then followed the foot prints that was heading towards an exit.

To be continued..

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