Missing Mammals

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The road lead us to a large mysterious building on a cliff over the ocean. It was guarded by multiple wolves. We got a good view of the place before quietly sneaking over to the gateway entrance to the place. All three of us hid by a booth while thinking of a distraction to help us get in. 

All three of us glanced at each other thinking of how to brainstorm plans silently since the guard wolves were so close and if even one caught us, it was over. 

Nick made random movements with his paws to try and explain his idea of a plan, while Judy looked as confused as ever. Neither of us quiet understood what the hell he meant by those hand movements.

Plus, there had to be an easier was for us to get past them. 

Before either of us could discuss anything with him, he swiftly snuck over to the other side of the booth. Shortly after he did, the white wolf by the booth started sniffing, catching Nick's scent and before he could catch Nick, Judy panicked and howled to distract the wolf. 

Without missing a beat the white wolf began to howl too, getting another wolf to come over and scold him, "Gary, quit it! You're gonna start a howl."

I elbowed Judy, giving her a proud smile. 

"I didn't start it!" Gary defended right before Judy howled again, making all the guard wolves in the area start a howl. 

Judy grabbed a hold of Nick and I as we all made our way towards the building, hiding by the side. I took a short moment to sigh in relief that we hadn't been caught somehow. 

Nick looked over to Judy, "You are a clever bunny." The first real compliment we had actually heard from him. I had to admit to myself that Nick was growing on me. 

I looked around trying to find someway in, there was a pipe just above us with water pouring out into the water fall, that went off the cliff. It looked just big enough for us to fit through. 


We finally got through the rather crammed pipe, making our way into a dark room with old metal bed framing, wheelchairs, and white sheets. The only source of light we had was Judy's phone. 

We looked around before spotting a large white door as the only exit. Nick reluctantly creeped up before hesitating and shoving Judy and I towards the door, "You two go first, you're the cops."

"Right, because were cops," I rolled my eyes at Nick before cracking the door open and peaking out, it looked like some kind of operating room? It had TV screens on the wall with scans of a brain on it, and the table and proper equipment set up. 

Once we saw the coast was clear, we all entered the room. Judy began to record the room. "All this equipment is brand new," She commented. 

"Uh, guys." Nick gulped, we looked over at Nick as he pointed to the floor. There were deep scratch marks covering the tiled floor. Whatever animal that was here, was definitely not happy to be here. 

"Claw marks." Judy spoke to herself, recording the marks on the floor. 

"Yeah, huge claw marks. I mean, what kind of.." We all jumped back as Nick was interrupted by a tiger jumping up at the glass wall separating us. 

We watched as the tiger paced back and fourth growling wildly, their eyes piercing through us like we were its next meal. Looking around to where Judy was pointing the light at, we could see that there were many more rooms with even more savage animals locked in them. 

My eyes went wide. Who had gotten all theses savage animals here and what exactly were they planning to do? Why was this all being kept secret? 

We followed behind Judy, looking into each room at all the mammals, we paused when we spotted Mr. Manchas, Nick and I glanced at his file as we went by, all of his information was on there. Whoever had them here had to be keeping this all under wraps, but who in the world had that kind of power?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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