Part 2

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What is going on? I'm staring in to Ivars eyes and he is staring back at me. So beautiful eyes. And so intense look in those eyes. Then I did feel the breezy air and wake to action.
"Let's get inside, it's cold to stand out here"
"It's not so cold" Ivar smirked. Oh yes, Viking. Used to cold and blood. Great.
"Let's go to my house anyway. I can make coffee?"
Ivar limped next to me and frown face saying "Coffee? I don't know these things that you are talking about"
"Okay, okay. Let get inside first" I sighed and opened the door to my home.
Ivar was climbing few steps to my front door and it's look difficult with iron braces in his legs.
"Umm, do you need help?
"NO!!!" Ivar roared and his face turned angry again. "I'm used to this, I can do this by myself."
Okay mister myself. I did go inside an did take my coat and sneakers off, and walk into kitchen to make coffee and put water in kettle for tea.
Ivar slammed the door closed and started to come further in house, eyes wide open.
"Leave your shoes in entry!"
"Don't walk here with shoes, I don't want sand and mud to my floors. And take your coat off, or what ever it's called. It's warm in here"
Ivar looked me and my house, then me and house again. Shit, is he really a Viking from ancient history? It sure looks so. And here in good lighting I did saw how dirty he really was. And his clothes. Maybe I'll make that coffee later, he might need a shower first.
"Hey Ivar, how about if you cleaned first? Let's take most of these gear off you. Weapons definitely stays here." He didn't look quite happy about it but agreed.
"Warm bath sounds nice. It's always good for my body and pains. Do you have slave or servant to help me?" Ivar became inspired.
"Slave? No no, not in this millennium. We don't have slaves. I do have some people that work for me, but washing people doesn't include their jobs, an they have day off today." I chuckled a little and then I promised to help him myself.

I lead Ivar to bathroom and helped to take his clothes off, trying to be subtle. Ivar seemed to be used to this and he was neutral. Those iron things that did support his legs was difficult.
"Does these hurt?" I asked carefully.
He was silent for a moment and then said "It hurts to live without these."
"I get what you mean. Well, there's shower." And then it hit me. Ivar can't stand in the shower. And he probably doesn't know how to use it. Oh for fucks sake. "I... I didn't think this through. You supposed to stand in shower. And... fuck."
"Don't you have a tub for bath?"
"No, I don't have a bathtub. But I have a hot tub."
"Sounds even better, bring it in!"
I started to laugh. Ivar was sitting half naked and asking me to bring hot tub to him. Well I couldn't do that, but I could take Ivar to hot tub.
"Come, I'll help you to bath, it's there" I pointed towards hot tub.
"That is big. Your house is so weird." Ivar said looking the hot tub. "And that's quite deep. I don't know how I can get there without breaking any bones."
Oh shit, that's true. Well, I guess I don't have choice if I don't want dirty man on my couch.
"Okay, we can do this. You sit there side, let's get rest of your clothes off and I'll come to help you. I'll just get my swimsuit."
"Swimsuit? If I'm naked, you should be too" Ivar said smirking and looking me in sneaky way .
Naked? What a hell, that's not a problem I thought when I started to take my clothes off. I felt Ivars eyes on me, he was scanning me.
"Okay, I'll go in water first and help you there. Now turn, I'll take your legs...good. You can trust me, I don't let go."
I noticed that Ivar had strong muscles when moved himself. I guess he had to have because he could move although his bones are fragile. Then, suddenly he was is hot tub with me.
"Woah, here's so much water. I just start to float!" Ivar laughed. "Can you help me?"
"Sure, I'll..." then I just grab my arms around Ivar and pressed him against me. I didn't think it before I did it, it was automatic reaction. When we were against each other, I realized how intimate it was.

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