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While my pregnancy was going on, I was ordering things of my life. Dr. Strange had told me what to do, because my life was going to turn around with my child's destiny. I sold my company and told to my close ones that I'm starting new life with kid. It was hard thing to do, try say farewells and make it sound that you're okay. Actually I didn't want to all those things, but Ivar and my pregnancy had me convinced that I'm part of something bigger through my baby, and this change needed to happen.
At one of my doctors appointment they find out in ultrasound that my baby was in wrong position and C-section would be safer choice for both of us. I told all this to Dr. Strange when he did visit me.
"Then it's better that I'll take you to Wakanda already." he decided.
"What?! Wakanda?" I was full off disbelief.
"That's the part that you don't believe? You are knocked up by over thousand years older man than you, and you don't think that in this world would be hidden place!" he laughed.
"Well when you put it like that..."
And to Wakanda we went.

My C-section was planned well and when time was right, it was happening. Birthday agreed in advance. I didn't want to be awake in surgery so I got general anesthesia. When I started to wake from that anesthesia I felt little sick. Nurse did check me and told me to rest for a while and I will feel better soon.
When I started to feel better, I started to look around. It was nice room with hospital equipment. Next to me was another bed and patient, and machines did make noises. I didn't see that patient well because there was tall bedside table between us, and I was too tired to care.
Nurse came by and did bring my baby to me. "Here's your little baby girl!" I was so confused and happy that I couldn't say anything. I took that tiny girl in my arms and pressed her against me. "Everything went fine and baby has everything okay." nurse told me smiling. I smiled back to her and look again my baby. She had dark brown hair and clear blue eyes. Really blue, like his father. I felt how love for that baby did grow every second.
Nurse went to see the other patient and in surprised tone said "You are awake! That's great. Just rest, I'm going to get a doctor." Soon she did come back with doctor and Strange walked right after them.
"Nice to see you both." he smiled to me and sit next to my bed to see the baby. "Hey little one, you have adventures ahead."
"Dr. Strange?" the other doctor said.
"Oh yes. Can we move this table?"
I wondered what they where doing but baby got most of your attention. "Surprise!" Strange said and I turned to look at him and I saw his hands pointing one in my bed and other to the next hospital bed. When I saw who was in that bed, I gasped. "Ivar!"
He looked back at me and didn't seem to understand the situation any better than I did. Then he saw that I hold baby. "Is that...?"
"Yes, it is. This is Erika." I smiled. My bed moved next to Ivars bed. "Erika, here is your father." I said and lifted here a little so Ivar could see here better. Ivar looked our baby eyes full of wonder and love, and he reached to touch her.
"How is this possible? Last thing I remember was that I was dying on a battlefield."
Dr. Strange came closer and started to explain to Ivar how he picked him from the battlefield and did bring him to Wakanda, where they could save him. "That little girl has huge future ahead and she needs you both to teach and guide her. You can live here, I have arranged that. I hope it's okay for you."  We looked him confused. Life together, as an family. Here didn't matter that were from different ages and culture was new for both of us.
Dr. Strange continued saying to me "This isn't any they lived happily ever after- fairytale. You both need give your best and there's going to be dangers in future. And first we need to get you both out those beds!" We tried to laugh but we were both still too tired. Ivar looked me into my eyes and I felt that I'm home. Home with my family.

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