Chapter 2 - Meet the Family

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"Xavion. Come meet your family."

He twisted his head to the door, afraid. What family? It was just him and his mom.

An older woman knocked, and then opened the door. She had a soft face and kind eyes, which put Xavion at ease.

"Hello sweetheart. I know you are probably very upset right now, but all will be explained once you come downstairs. Get dressed, I will be waiting outside." She closed the door as he stood there, dumbfounded.

For some reason, though, he obeyed. Pulling om the uniform and tying his shoes, he looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't look half bad, until he realized he probably will never see his mother again. What kind of monster rips a child from his mother? He will ask this question when he meets his so-called family. Instead of sad, Xavion was now enraged.

He aggressively opened the door to see the woman, as she said, standing outside. "Are you ready to go downstairs now? You may hold my hand if you want too." She held out an open palm towards him, all the anger and hatred suddenly melting away. Inside, he was still a scared kid. So he did take her hand, and she led him down the long stairwell that led to an even grander staircase.

In the living room, everyone stood. The first thing he noticed was the huge ass man on his far left, who seemed to tower above him.

"Ah, Xavion. You're awake. I assure you, you are safe. Now I know you have a lot of questions-" Reginald was swiftly cut off by the pubescent boy, who, once again, was filled with anger.

"Of course I have fucking questions! I wake up in a bed that ISN'T mine in a house that I DON'T live in? Who are you people?! What do you want with me?!" Tears started streaming down his face as his fight or flight kicked in, even with no danger present. "And where is my mom!?" He wiped the angry tears from his eyes and looked around, getting a good look at everyone so he could be sure to give the police a good description of his kidnappers.

Reginald sighed, and moved toward Xavion. He put his hand on his back, causing the boy to flinch. Reggie guided him to a chair, and once he was sat, everyone sat down. Everyone in the room seemed awkward around each other. The one with knives and dressed in leather was death glaring the one in an overcoat, with long dark hair.

"We are.. the Umbrella Academy. Or, what was once, the Umbrella Academy." He nodded to the rest of the group, and they all began to introduce themselves quietly. Luther, the big towering man. Diego, the leathered up one. Vanya, in the overcoat and dark hair. Along with Allison, a pretty black woman with curly hair and Klaus, who was smiling like a dork and looked high off his balls. "I am Reginald Hargreeves, your.. new father."

The words by themself confused Xavion. He never had a father, and never needed one. It was nice to meet everyone, yet they all seemed so.. uncomfortable.

"And as unfortunate as it is to say, seeing as you seemed pretty attached to your mother.. She sold you to me. I won't go into details, but I am terribly sorry."

"Sold..?" Xavion felt a crushing pain inside his chest. His own mother.. sold him? To THIS old fart?

"I know you're quite shocked, but don't fret, we are one happy family!" He smiled at the boy, a fake smile, but a smile.

"Yea, happy family. Tell that to Esteemed Writer over here." Diego retorted, glaring at Vanya again.

"Lay off, Batman Wannabe. She was telling the truth. We DID keep her locked in the basement most of her childhood." Allison snapped at Diego. Diego looked like he was about to say something back, but said nothing, and turned away.

"Okay, this is a great family reunion for YOU guys, but you still haven't told me why I'm here." Xavion scoffed. A mix of emotions in his stomach for a multitude of reasons.

Reginald cleared his throat, coming back on topic. "You have extraordinary powers, young man. And we wanted you to be apart of our team. I was hoping that having you join in place of.. a fallen member, would help bring us back together."

"Adding a child to our 'team' isn't gonna make up for years of mental abuse, Dad." Diego growled.

"Can you not be a dick for 5 seconds, Diego?" Luther scolded him, and Diego rolled his eyes. Xavion could see a pattern of hate here.

Xavion stayed quiet this time, knowing his questions would soon be answered.

"You probably never knew you had any power, seeing as I was not able to get to you when you were born, but I am willing to train you now." Reggie stated confidently.

"Wait, how do YOU know I have a power if I didn't even know in the first place? What is it? Like.. gravity control or something?" Xavion questioned.

They all looked at each other, trying to figure out how to put it in a way he would understand.

"You can teleport. Not controllably, though." Luther said clapping his hands together. "When Dad first brought you in, you were zipping all over the place, probably in your sleep. That's why he called us all back." Vanya added. "At one point, you somehow got yourself stuck in the wall, and yet were perfectly fine and didn't even stir in your sleep." Allison smiled awkwardly at the boy.

Xavion always felt like he had something wrong with him. He always thought it was the lactose intolerance though. "So let me get this straight. My own mother sold me to you because I teleport in my sleep, and you took me to replace some 'Fallen Member' to what? Bring a team back together? That's it?" He said in disbelief. "Who even is this fallen member? And why me?"

"You ask a lot of questions, boy. Let me just show you." Reggie pinched the bridge of his nose and led them all outside.

On the far side of the courtyard was a statue of a confident looking boy around the age of 15. "This is Five. We never gave him a name but.. one night during dinner, we got into a spat, and he just disappeared. No one knows where he went.. He had almost the same powers as you. He could jump through time. Minutes, seconds.. even years."

Xavion stared at the ground, still angry. Why was he the guinea pig in this? What did he ever do to deserve this? It wasn't fair. Suddenly, a streak of blue lightening struck the sky and a storm formed right in the courtyard.

"What the fuck-" Klaus shouted above the noise. Everyone turned to look as what seemed to be a hole opened in the sky above them. An old man could be seen through it. Klaus picked up a fire extinguisher and threw it into the hole to see what would happen, and it hit whatever was inside.

After the clang of metal, something fell from the hole. A boy around Xavion's age hit the ground with a thud, and promptly passed out.

"Holy shit, is that Five?" Luther exclaimed, as everyone ran over to the body.

"Wait what the fuck, I thought he was dead?" Xavion shouted as he, too, ran over.

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