Chapter 5 - The Commission

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"Oh boy. I didn't think they would find me THIS fast..." Right as Five finished his sentence, bullets rang out. Glass shattered and Gladis ducked into the kitchen. Five gripped Xavion on the shoulder and spacial jumped behind the counter. "Five who the hell are those guys? What the fuck do we do?" Xavion cried out in a hushed voice. "WE aren't doing anything. You have zero control over your power and will get yourself KILLED." He paused, gulping. "Not that I care if you did, I mean, I obviously don't want an innocent person to- Fuck, nevermind. Stay out of the way!" He shoved Xavion into the kitchen with Gladis and jumped over the counter. Gladis was scooting quietly over to the phone on the wall, most likely to call the authorities. Xavion peeked around the corner, hearing bones crunching and watching in awe at how sleek Five was.

Five picked up a butter knife and lunged at one of the armed gunmen, slicing his neck open and shoving the body into two of the others. He jumped and ended up behind another one, bending down and sweeping the legs out from under him, the mans head hitting the floor with a crack. Five was moving so quickly that Xavion could barely keep up. With every stab and brandish Xavion flinched. Yet somehow it made his heart beat faster, not with fear, but with something completely different.

Time seemed to slow down for a second as Five leaned backwards and dodged a bullet, jumping again behind the counter and picking up a glass. He smashed it on the floor, cutting his hand in the process, and sliding over the counter. He jammed the sharp edge of the broken glass into the second to last gunman's abdomen, twisting it and making him drop his gun. Five thought it was over and leaned against the wall, the adrenaline flowing out of him as he realized how much pain he was in. Xavion caught a glimpse of the last perpetrator, who had a backup switchblade. He quietly picked up a frying pan off one of the shelves and snuck up behind him. The man with the knife leaped at the boy and Xavion panicked, gripping his fists and haphazardly teleporting infront of the knifeman, bringing the frying pan down on his skull with a deafening crunch.

Xavion dropped the pan and fell to the floor, inhaling and exhaling rapidly. Five whipped around, his eyes wide. "You.. you saved my life.." He uttered under his breath. He shook the thought away and look at his sliced open hand. Xavion caught his breath and turned around to face Five, staring into his eyes.

Time once again seemed to come to a hault. All the background noise seemed to fade out as they both gazed at each other. Xavion broke the eye contact first. "Oh jesus holy shit your hand-" He hurriedly pulled himself up and spun around, looking for something to apply pressure with. He couldn't find something within reach and remembered a move he saw in a show once. He untucked his shirt and tried to rip the fabric, but unfortunately this was not a saviour moment. Five stood there, looking at Xavion fatigued. "There's probably a towel in the kitchen, you imbecile. Come on, I'm bleeding out to death here." He expressed with sarcasm. Xavion grunted with frustration and leaped the counter, grabbing a towel from the kitchen and speeding back. He wrapped it around the boy's hand and pressed on it, making Five wince.

"This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to take that knife on the floor and cut my upper right arm open." Five used his bandaged hand and pointed to a place on his arm. Xavion hesitated, but complied, picking up the knife and looking away as he swiftly slashed. He then dropped the knife and shook his hands out, babbling 'ew' over and over again. Five rolled his eyes and scrunched his nose as he pulled out a small silver and green, pill sized, device. He promptly threw it on the floor and crushed it with his foot.

Xavion pushed open the front door and ushered Five out. "Come on, we need to get out of here. Doesn't Vanya live around here somewhere?" He voiced with urgency. "We are not going to her apartment. I don't need more than one person worrying about me. You have enough fear to fill a pool." Five responded, now clutching his arm. "Well I don't know how to sew! I can't fix your wound if I can't sew." Xavion whined. "It's fine just, come on. Jesus." Five let go of his arm and wiped the blood on his pants. He gripped Xavion's arm and spacial jumped back into his room, collapsing onto his knees. Xavion whimpered and got down, making sure Five wasn't actually bleeding to death. "Under my bed is a sewing kit, It's really easy to sew up a wound, I'll show you." Five slowly removed his blazer and vest, Xavion handed the kit to him and he picked up a pair of sewing scissors, cutting off the sleeve of his dress shirt. "Thread a needle." Five stated, letting out a shaky breath. For being a killing machine he didn't realize how much this shit hurt. Xavion completed the task and grabbed a chair, sitting next to Five and holding back a gag at the wound. "Now, poke the needle through the skin below the cut, and push it up through the skin above it. Then go down to the side like you're making a very narrow Z. Repeat the process until you can pull it closed and then loop it again to seal it. Tie the string and cut the end off." Xavion nodded and did his best, his hands still shaking from the adrenaline. Five held Xavions working wrist steady, grunting with pain every once in a while. After Xavion sealed the slash mark, he got bandages from the bathroom and wrapped Five up. They both took a couple minutes to think to themselves before Five spoke up. "I still can't get over how a wimp like you saved my life. You even got enough of a handle on your ability to not get stuck in a wall." Five leaned back in the chair he was sitting on and gripped his hand to check up much it hurt. "Are you thanking me? If you are you're really bad at thanking people." Xavion responded, rubbing his face. "I am, and you should be grateful. I don't thank people a lot." He stated abruptly. Xavion glared at him, not believing how someone could be such an ass. He let out an angry huff before standing up and kicking off his shoes. "But actually, uh.. thank.. thank you, Xavion. You genuinely saved me." Five held his jaw open for a while, trying to think of what else to say. Xavion spun around and lifted it back up, closing his mouth. "Glad you know how to use your manners, now tell me why the FUCK that happened." Xavion sat on the floor infront of Five, looking up at him like a toddler who wanted a bedtime story. "We don't have time for it, we.. I need to figure out how to stop the apocalypse." Five attempted to stand. Xavion jumped up from his seated position and stood infront of him, blocking his path. "Either you sit down and tell me why the hell 6 guys just tried to massacre us, or I give you more wounds that I will have to painfully patch up." Five rolled his eyes and tried to spacial jump, having it fail due to how tired he was. "Hah. See? You can't escape now." Xavion teased with a cheeky grin. Five groaned and flopped cautiously onto his bed. "Fine, I'll tell you. Just stop being so.. whatever you're doing. It's.. weird. You're acting like me."

As the hour passed, Five explained the story of how after getting stuck in the future, The Handler, his boss and basically-immortal time travler extrodinare offered him a job on the Commission, a time-traveling company whos main job is to assassinate anyone who tried to tamper with the future. Five was a hitman, and had a 5 year contract. "So you were supposed to assassinate the president? Jesus christ man.." Xavion lessened the grip he had on the pillow he was holding. "Uh huh. But in the moment I realized I despised the work. I didn't want to kill all those people. But she promised me the opportunity of going back. The entire time I was working, I was doing equations. Figuring out the math to get me back so I could stop the apocalypse." Five was propped up against a bunch of pillows Xavion had gathered up, despite Five telling him not to baby him. Five wouldn't admit it to anyone, ever, but he didn't mind. It had been years since anyone had taken this much energy to care for him.

"So you voided your contract? Is that why all these people are after you?" Xavion plopped his face onto the pillow and gazed at Five in astonishment. "That, and the fact I'm trying to 'stop something that is meant to happen.' They really hate that, you know. I'm basically doing the very thing I swore to destroy." Xavion noticed how pale Five was, most likely due to loss of blood. "How are you feeling? You lost a lot of fluids. Well, mostly just blood, but still." Five chuckled. "Seriously, I'm fine. You really worry too much, it's annoying." He said with a smile, a genuine smile at that. Xavion laughed nervously and looked off to the side, trying to not look like an idiot, again, for the second time today.

"You should sleep. It's.. like one in the morning. You can't save the world if you're not well rested, y'know." Xavion slid off the bed and placed the pillow he wss holding in Five's lap. "What about you? You can't help a wanted criminal if you don't sleep." Five declared sarcastically. "Oh don't worry, I don't need a lot of sleep to function. Blame the school system, I've adapted." Xavion bounced on his heels and cracked his knuckles. Five snorted and covered his mouth, while Xavion pretended not to notice. "Well, if you say so. Don't watch me while I sleep though, that's gross. And you're sleeping on the floor if and when you do decide to sleep, I don't share my bed." Five mentioned with a yawn, kicking his shoes off and slipping under his nicely made sheets, almost immediately drifting off. Xavion sighed, knowing he had nothing else to do, so he rummaged around Five's room and found a scratched up notebook, barely used, along with a chewed up pencil. He did what he used to do best, and he wrote. About Five, about his family, about school life, or, what used to be school life. Not to anyone in particular, just journaling to himself. It helped him not get overwhelmed, especially with everything going on.

After his motivation was depleted, he closed the boom and slide the pencil into the side compartment, hiding it under the decorative bench by Five's bedroom window. He made himself a bed on the floor using unused blankets and the mountain of pillows he had gathered for Five earlier. Xavion peeled off his blazer and set it neatly on the dresser and tossed a blanket over himself, staring up at the ceiling.

He missed his mom. He told himself that he was a teenager, and he shouldn't be this upset about it, but what kind of person would he be if he wasn't? He thought about all those Disney movies where the characters parents had special lullabys they would sing to their children.

But his special lullaby was "Don't Stop Believin'" By Journey.


Added "fight for me" from heathers because honestly thats exactly what the fight scene is anyways lmao

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