Chapter 11 - The Drunk

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But what they both knew, was that this moment would be ingrained in both of their memories, for a lifetime.


"The.. Meritech building.."

Xavion looked over to where the smoke was pluming in the sky, the sirens getting louder as they approached the burning building. Five dropped to his knees and cursed, picking up and handful of gravel and tossing it at a wall.

"That was our only lead! God damnit! I mean, I can't believe I kissed you either, what the hell was that?" Five flopped onto his back rubbing his eyes with his palms. Five wanted to pretend it never happened. He wanted to forget about it, and get back to his main purpose for coming back here. The only thing Xavion was supposed to be was a helpful partner. Five didn't understand how he felt. He hasn't felt like this for years, and everything was moving at such a fast pace he couldn't keep up anymore.

Xavion shuffled his feet in the gravel. "That's it, from now on, our relationship is strictly professional. I can't keep getting distracted if this is what happens when I do." Xavion was taken aback, and so was Five.

Five opened his mouth to apologize, to say anything, but Xavion held his hand up. "You're right." Five sputtered, "What?"

"I said you're right," Xavion said, standing up and wiping the dust off his pants. "I need to find my mom, you need to save the world. We help each other, we get our goals, that's it." Xavion looked down at Five, a major change in dynamics. "I'm sorry." Five finally said.

Xavion stuck out his hand, pulling Five up. Xavion held onto Five's hand a little longer than he wanted to. They looked at each other for a moment, both wanting to say something, but they landed on saying nothing. Xavion smirked at him.

"What's next, Five?"


Luther and Diego entered the Argyle Public Library, on the hunt for Five. Neither of them necessarily cared about finding Xavion, they cared more about finding their now little brother.

They both looked at each other, Diego let out a deep sigh, and they parted ways. The next half an hour was long and arduous, searching through dozens of books, hundreds of shelves, across three floors.

They both met up at the top floor. Diego leaned over the railing and looked down at the floor below. It was silent for a moment.

"You wanna know why I left?" He finally said, not looking up. Luther looked over at him. "What? What are you on about?"

"Why I left the academy." Diego cracked his knuckles, lifting himself back up from the banister. "Cause you couldn't handle me being number one, obviously." Luther uttered snarkily.

"No. Because that's what you DO when you're 17," He paused. "You move out. Become your own person. You grow up, Luther." Luther snorted. "Uh huh. You're a REAL grownup, Batman."

"At least I make my own decisions." Diego whipped his head around, glaring at his brother. "You've never had to hold down a job, or pay bills. Have you ever even BEEN with a woman?"

Luther sputtered, at a loss for words. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Diego chuckled, angrily. "Look. You wanna blame all of us for leaving? That's fine. But maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why WE left. Maybe it's about why YOU chose to stay."

There was a beat of silence between the both of them. The bustling of college students with night classes below them. "I stayed because people needed me, the WORLD needed me." Luther huffed out.

The Twins (Five Hargreeves x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now