Chapter 3 - The Boy

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"Wait what the fuck? I thought he was dead!"

The family rushed over to find their now little brother unconcious on the ground. "Well, this is.. a turn of events." Reggie said rubbing his eyes tiredly. "A turn of events? Our brother who's been GONE for over 20 years is now back. AND HE'S STILL A CHILD." Diego exclaimed. He put his hands under Five's legs and everyone followed suite, except for Xavion.

"Well look! Your fallen member is back, that means I can go home, right?" He turned to Reginald with a hopeful smile, which the old man shot down quickly. "Unfortunately, that isn't how this works. I can't just take you back after the money has been given." Xavion sputtered, "So what does it mean then?! That I'm stuck here?"

The group carried an unconcious Five back inside the manor, and up to his childhood room. Diego laid him on his bed and wiped his face down, exasperated. "Come on Dad, can't you just go get the money back? This kid obviously just wants his mommy." Diego whined out as he leaned on the wall. "Hey watch it, asshole. I'm not some little toddler. You would be upset too if you were ripped from your family out of nowhere." Xavion shot back. "Like I said before, it isn't that simple. This woman lives halfway across the country now and wants nothing to do with this boy. Look on the brightside, now we have two more heroes." Reggie put his hat back on and fixed his monocle. "Let Number Five rest. We can bombard him with questions later. Xavion, seeing as Five is back, you will be sleeping in his room. Grace will be up later to check on you two and get you situated. Dinner will be at 7:30 sharp." He stated the last sentence while looking at his pocket watch.

Everyone filed out of the room accordingly, Allison turned back and gave Xavion a small wave and a kind smile. That obviously did not calm him down, but it was a nice gesture.

Xavion had nothing else to do but sit and think, so that's exactly what he did. Looking around the room, he realized that this was where he woke up that morning. He saw a chalkboard with chalk that had just recently been wiped down, still showing strange equations that Xavion knew he wouldn't be able to solve. The bed where Five was still unconcious, but breathing, was made neatly with a blue comforter, hotel style. Xavion turned around and noticed the bookshelves lining the wall, dusty and old.

He got bored of thinking, suddenly feeling the urge to run and jump around. It was too quiet, it made his head hurt. He put his hands in his pockets and started lightly hopping around while humming some old 80's song he heard on the radio once. A million thoughts ran through his head, it was hard to focus on just one. It was like walking into a crowd of people on the street as they all bumped into you. He was trying to figure out how to get out of this place, he wasn't going to just stay here. But what if Reginald was right? His mom might be halfway across the country by now. And what if she didn't even want him anymore.. But that doesn't make sense, he continued to think to himself. His mother loved him, she spent her life to make sure his was better. It doesn't make sense that she would sell her only son for.. Damn, he didn't even tell him how much he was sold for. Xavion was hoping he would at least be worth over a million.

"Who the fuck are you?!" A voice suddenly came from the bed across the room, Xavion fell to the floor with a thud from the noise. Five was now concious, and very upset by the looks of it. "Goddamnit, I got the equations wrong! Delores told me so.. I should've listened. Now look at me! I'm a fucking teenage boy!" He turned to face Xavion again. "And still who the hell are you?!" His fists eere clenched, and his face was red. "I-i'm Xavion! Look I don't want to be here, they, uh, they brought me here to replace you! It's not my fault!" Five in an instant calmed down, not that much though. "Replace me? They replaced me?"

"It's not what you think, I just got here! Don't be uh, don't be sad?" Xavion was freaking out at this point, trying to find anything to get the anger off of him. Five walked over quickly snd gripped Xavion by the collar, making him yelp in fear. "Where are they." Five asked angrily. Xavion pointed at the door, thinking he would be let go. Five kept a firm hold of his collar and spacial jumped into the living room, where everyone was sat, then he let go of him. "I disappear for YEARS and you go and REPLACE ME?" Five shrieked with anger. "You know what? I don't care. We have bigger problems. The world is going to end in 8 days if I don't stop it, and since you all want to replace me, go ahead."

Everyone started talking at once, either yelling at each other or just asking Five questions. Where has he been for the last 30 or so years, how did he get back, why did he leave. The noise was too much for Xavion. He covered his ears and curled up into a ball. Allison could see him writhing in pain, and she couldn't take it. "All of you! Shut up!" She yelled, but it didn't do much. She looked from the boy on the floor to everyone else, and, against her moral code, used her power. "I HEARD A RUMOR." She hollard. Silence. "That you all sat your asses down, and stopped talking." And of course, everyone sat. Including Five. Allison sat as well, nudging Xavion with her foot.

Xavion looked up, happy that the yelling had ceased, standing up cautiously and dusting himself off. Five, who was now sitting on the floor, piped up. "What do you all want from me? You obviously didn't care much that I was gone since you REPLACED me.

"We didn't replace you, Five. Xavion just got here. We also thought you were dead. Now what the hell are you talking about, about the apocalypse?" Luther said calmly. Five sighed and rubbed his temples. "In exactly 8 days, the world is going to end unless I stop it. And I do not need your help. So, I will be going." Five stood up, fixing his suit, but before he could turn and leave, Klaus pulled him back down. "Nuh uh. We're family, family helps family out."

"What about replacer over there, huh? Is HE family now too?" Xavion frowned and looked at the ground. "I told you, it's not like I want to be here, asshole." Luther stood up this time and attempted to dissipate the situation. "Look. It's late, and dinner is almost ready. Just stay til tomorrow Five and we can figure this out." Five groaned and looked at his family members. "Fine. But I leave tomorrow morning." He turned on his heel and walked up to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Everyone looked at Xavion, who was messing with the sleeves of his shirt. "I guess I'll uh.. go up after him.. heh.." He turned around awkwardly and scurried away, up the stairs.

He stood infront of the door for what seemed like hours, but it was only a few minutes. He was scared of who was inside, and had no idea why. He had done nothing wrong and kept telling himself that. So, he took a deep breath and quickly opened the door, walking in and shutting it. "Oh it's you again. How nice." Five snarked at him. "Okay you don't have to be an asshole. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I don't want to be here. I was taken from my family, or.. sold, apparently. I didn't even know you existed until an hour ago. So don't take your anger out on me. I just want to go home.." Xavion promptly sat on the bed, crossing his arms.

Five stopped writing on his chalkboard and sighed. "I'm not angry at you, I'm angry in general. You just happen to be here." He said in a calm tone, continuing to write. "Oh yeah, that's SO comforting. Thank you." Xavion answered back. "Now you're the one being an asshole." Five retorted.

They sat in silence for a bit, with only the sound of chalk on a chalkboard echoing in the room. "I can help you, maybe. Apparently I can teleport, and even if you don't want help from your family, you can have it from me." Xavion turned to him, putting his hands together and weakly smiling. "Uh huh, sure. I don't need your help. I haven't needed anyone's help since I got STUCK in the FUTURE. You can HELP by staying out of it." Five turned to Xavion in return, and they had a staring match for about 4 seconds. "Please let me go with you. Maybe I can find my mom again, and then I'll be out of your life! Forever! I don't want to be here just as much as you." Xavion pleaded, falling to his knees dramatically. Five just stared at him, annoyed. "I didn't want to have to do this, but.." Xavion then erupted into a whirl of 'please' and 'pretty please', and even threw in a 'pretty please with a cherry on top!' for good measure. Five threw the chalk back on the board and growled. "Alright, alright! My god! Fine! You can come with me. Just shut up, please." Xavion smiled and jumped back up. Five kept his serious face.

"So anyway, about this apocalypse, what happened?" Five thought wrong about getting a minute of silence. "You wouldn't understand. You're stupid, like the rest of my family." Xavion rolled his eyes. "Wow, you're a real sweetheart, huh? Come on, just explain it, I'll figure it out." Xavion sat on the bin at the foot of the bed, staring up at Five.

Five looked down at him, seeing a familiar sparkle of wonder in his eyes. He felt bad for him. "God, fine. You still won't get it though." For the next hour, Five explained the properties of time travel and how he ended up in the future. They talked until the dinner bell rang, and Five sighed again. "Come on, after dinner I'll answer ONE more question, and then you leave me alone until tomorrow." Xavion nodded in compliance and followed shortly after the other boy as the headed downstairs.

After the family sat at the table, Xavion next to Five, everyone waited for the food to be served.
"Ah, Five. What a pleasure to see you again." Reginald spoke at the end of the table.


The Twins (Five Hargreeves x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now