Chapter 12 - The Commission (Reprise)

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Five slowly opened his eyes, pushing himself up in bed and looking around. Xavion and Luther were playing Trash at the table, laughing with each other.

"Oh hey. Welcome to the waking world, you ball of sunshine." Xavion said sarcastically, placing down his final card, getting him a win for that round.

Luther spun around quickly, almost falling out of his chair as he dragged it over. He started bombarding Five with questions. "What were you doing at the library of all places? Wait, no, on our way back you said something about an apocalypse coming? What?"

Xavion stood from his chair, packing the cards back into the box and setting them on the shelf. He plopped down on the end of the bed, crossing his legs. Five held his head in his hands, rubbing his temples, badly hungover.

Xavion put his hand on Fives shoulder. "When he got trapped in the future, him and Delores, you know, the mannequin, they found Argyle in ruins and basically called it their home base." He explained.

"But that doesn't answer the apocalypse question?" Luther sputtered. "When is it supposed to happen? This... apocalypse?" Five raised his head up. "I can't give you the exact hour but.. from what I've gathered, 4 days."

"Why didn't you say anything before?" He answered worriedly. "It wouldn't have mattered." Five responded.

"Of course it would! We could've banded together and helped you stop this thing!"

"For the record, you already tried." Five looked at Luther with pained eyes. "..What do you mean?" Luther asked, rattled.

Xavion scooted closer to Five, trying to console his friend. Five noticed, not moving away, but he didn't move closer either.

"I found all of you. Your bodies."  Five had barely any emotion in his voice. "We die?" Luther utters.

"Horribly." Five stares off into space, remembering that day, remembering how he felt. He never wanted to feel like that again. He didn't want anyone to ever feel like that. "You were together, trying to stop whatever it was that ended the world."

Luther leaned forward. "How do you know?" Five took out the glass eye, it was in a small leather baggie. He slipped it out and tossed it to Luther. "This was clutched in your palm when I found you. Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down." Five stared at the eye in Luther's hand, trying to shake the thought of it.

"There's a serial number on the back, maybe you could try to.." Five looked down at his hands, picking at his calluses. "It's a dead end. Just.. another piece of glass, I guess." Xavion responded to Luther's idea plaintively. Luther handed the eye back to Five. He slipped it back into its case, but before he could put it into his pocket, Diego slammed the door open.

"You PIECE of SHIT.  Do you have ANY idea what you just did?" Diego stomped down the stairs and lunged at Five. Xavion sprang up in front of him. Luther grabbed Diego by his ribs and picked him up. "GET YOUR BIG APE HANDS OFF OF ME." Diego yelled, writhing in Luther's monkey grasp.

"I can do this as long as it takes you to calm the hell down."

Diego panted. "Fine."

"Now, wanna.. tell us what you're talkin' about?" Luther invited him to speak.

Diego scowled. "Our brother and his little boy toy over here have been pretty busy since the both got here." Five seemed unaffected, while Xavion crossed his arms in faint disapproval. He liked the ring of it though. "They were in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then, at Gimble Brothers, that abandoned clothing store, causing those guys in masks to attack the academy, looking for THEM."

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