Chapter 4 - Xavion

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There was the awkward silence again. Everyone knew the story, except Xavion of course. Five conventionally left that part out while he was explaining upstairs.

"It is nice to see you again, Number Five. I do wonder though, where have you been all these years?" Reginald cocked his head slightly. "Oh, wouldn't you just love to know. It's YOUR fault I got stuck in the future, you told me I couldn't time travel! I wanted to prove you wrong!" Five slammed his fists on the table, making everyone and the silverware jump. "Calm down, boy. I did nothing of the sort. I told you not too because you weren't in control of your powers! And see where that led you?" Reggie retorted back, with underlying anger. "Now I understand you are angry and confused, but can we please just eat dinner? The family is whole again, and I do not need YOU mucking it up." Five looked down at his plate and grinded his teeth. Reggie put back on his smile. "Dig in, everyone!"

They all ate in half silence, small bouts of conversation only happening between their shoulder partners. Five barely ate, he was too angry about the situation. Xavion felt uncomfortable eating infront of such a large group of people, and sad that Five was so upset. Towards the end of the meal, Five was picking at his food, thinking of something, ANYTHING to use to get back at his father. But he couldn't think of anything, nothing came close.

After the meal ended, Reggie stood and clinked his fork against his glass, to make a toast. "Thank you all for joining me for dinner. It is lovely to see you all again. Dismissed." Everyone stood from their chairs as Grace began gathering plates. Xavion turned to Five in confusion. "Dismissed? What is this, this highschool cafeteria?" Five didn't laugh like Xavion thought he would, instead, he had a permanent scowl on his face. "Don't talk for a good ten minutes. I'm thinking." Five mumbled quietly as they ascended into his room. Xavion closed the door behind them and Five sat on his bed. "You know, you look real angry." Xavion stated blankly. "Thank you, Captain Obvious, your services are truly wonderful." Five snapped back in sarcasm.

"What's up with you and your dad? He doesn't seem that bad." Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, Five stood up and shoved Xavion into the nearest wall. "You just got here and you think you know everything about him? You don't know ANYTHING about him. Throughout my childhood he told me that I would never amount to anything. That all I could ever do was 'teleport' and go forward and backwards in time only a few seconds. I wanted to prove him wrong, and I did. But then I got stuck in the future. So you can keep your mouth shut, Replacement." The last word stung Xavion, and he'd had it. He shoved Five back. "I am so sick of you calling me Replacement! How many fucking times do I have to tell you that I don't want to be here? That I was RIPPED from MY family? At least you HAVE a dad. Maybe he wad just trying to set you up for the future, but at least you got that. You are such a stuck up little brat who thinks the world revolves around him. And you call ME annoying? God you're insufferable!" The pure anger from before peaked out behind Xavion's words, and it triggered something inside of him as he clenched his fists. Suddenly, he started zipping around the room. Appearing in one corner, than other, upside down on the ceiling, and then 2 feet above the ground where he promptly hit the floor. Even Five was surprised.

Five took a deep breath. "Okay. Disregarding that you just called me a spoiled brat, which I WILL be beating your ass for later, how the hell did you do that?" Xavion groaned and sat up, a soft black smoke coming from his hands. "I-i don't know! One second I was pissed at you for being a dick and the next I was flying around the room!" Xavion pushed himself up, losing his balance a little and holding onto the dresser. "I knew there was something up about you. Dad wouldn't have bought you unless you had some sort of power.. Do you think you can do it again?" Five stared at Xavion sternly. "I don't know! I didn't even know I could do it out of my sleep. Make me angry again I guess?" He shrugged, finally able to stand up. Not for long though. Five slugged him in the face and Xavion immediately went down. He held his face and groaned in pain. "What the fuck dude! I said make me angry not fucking punch me in the face, you lunatic!" Xavion clenched his fists again as he yelled at the other boy, sending him zipping around the room again. Five smirked, fascinated that someone has almost the same power as him.

Once again, Xavion fell to the floor with a thud, moaning in pain. Five promptly flipped him over and hunched over his body. "You don't react to anger. It's you clenching your fists. The same way I do. Come on, get up, I'll show you." Five stuck out his hand, which Xabion cautiously grabbed. Even though Five seemed the same age as Xavion, his hands were rough and calloused. A weird texture. "You so owe me for this, asshole." He grunted, pulling himself up. "I know, I know. I'll take you to Griddy's later, now shut up and watch." Xavion was about to ask, but watched as the boy infact clenched his fists and ended up ontop of a bookshelf. "It's not just clenching your fists, it's redirecting your energy. Think, moving a pencil with your mind. You think really hard about where you want it to go and you redirect all that energy to that place. Try.. going to the door." Five pointed to the cracked open door and watched intently. Xavion rolled his eyes and then squeezed them shut, picturing the door in extreme detail. Instantaneously, he moved, not with grace though. He hit the floor again, opening his eyes and realizing his foot was through the door. Like a glitch in a video game. Where he once was, was a plume of soft black smoke. "Oh my god! Holy shit, what the fuck?" He tried to pull his leg out, but it only moved the door, Xavion then realized he felt no actual pain and wiggled his foot in the door again. Five spacial jumped from the bookshelf into the hallway, staring astonished by Xavion's literal glitch in the matrix. "Okay, that's a bit of a predicament. Try just.. moving a couple feet to the left..?" Xavion facepalmed and shook himself out, and zipping onto the banister, tipping over the edge. Five quickly grabbed his shirt and jumped back into the room, both of them panting from the over excursion. "See? It's.. not that bad. You just need to get the hang of it. A lot of practice, and energy control and you'll be sort of at my level!" Five clapped Xavion on the shoulder comfortingly. "You should be a cheerleader, you're really good at being motivational." Xavion poked back sarcastically. "You have spunk, I like that in a person. Don't piss me off though, I will kill you. Now come on, I'll give you your reward." Five, for once, smiled at Xavion, taking him by the wrist and spacial jumping to the front of a beautiful 80's themed diner. It was around 9pm, so the neon lettering really sparkled. Xavion was definitely not used to so much teleporting, tumbling to the side and taking Five down with him. "God, let's go inside and sit, you obviously can't stand for the life of you." Five snarked, standing up and dusting himself off, holding out a hand for Xavion again.

Inside, they both sat at the counter next to a gruff old man. A couple minutes passed before Five dinged the serving bell. An old woman with an 80's themed pink waitress uniform came out from the back. Gladis. "Sorry, the sink was clogged. What can I get for you?" She said in a sweet voice. The man ordered a chocolate eclair and resumed looking at his paper. "And can I get the kids some milk or something each?" She said with a smile. "The kid wants coffee. Black." Five responded with a sly smirk. "I'll uh, have apple juice." Xavion also responded, shyly. Gladis looked at five perplexed, but went and prepared it. "Apple juice? How old are you?" Five swiveled in his seat, leaning on the counter. "Hey, back off. Apple juice is a timeless and delicious beverage. Who drinks black coffee?" Xavion crossed his arms, matter-of-factly. Five rolled his eyes in response as Gladis set down everything, one chocolate eclair, one coffee, and one glass of juice. "How will you be paying?" She said to Five. Five rumaged around in his pockets, realizing he had no money. "I'll pay for them." The gruff man next to them responded. Five thanked him and spotted a familiar logo on the mans work uniform, and asked for an address. The man cocked his eyebrow, but gave it to the boy. Five was satisfied. "What's the address for?" Xavion looked at the slip of paper the man gave him. "Saving the world. You'll see." Just as Five was about to sip his coffee, the entering bell chimed. Men in crips suits with what seemed like military grade weapons entered the diner.

"Oh boy. I didn't think they would find me THIS fast.."

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