Chapter 10 - The Explosion

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"Now I'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision."

Hours upon hours had past. Xavion sat in the passengers seat, passed out. Five's eyes were locked on the doors entering the Meritech building. Delores was sat comfortable in Xavion's previous spot, behind the center console. "Yeah, yeah. I know there are only six days left. You don't have to keep telling me." He whispered to Delores. Xavion stirred in his sleep, making Five flinch. He shook his head of thoughts and went back to watching the doors.

It was quiet. Not eeriely quiet, but.. quiet. Five hadn't felt such serenity in so long. He looked over at Xavion again, who was peacefully asleep. And he smiled.

He remembered how lonely he felt during the apocalypse. How the first couple days he spent wondering if he should keep moving to find an answer, or just cut it off short. What was the point? Everyone was dead. What point did he have living? Five felt a sinking feeling in his chest as the horrible memories flooded back. Days on end, without food, or water. He felt so hopeless. Every day he tried his power, to jump back, but it didn't work. He felt.. so alone. Even with Delores, the love of his life, he couldn't handle the feeling of being the last human on Earth.

Five's eyes refocused on the sleeping boy next to him. The one who, in the first day of knowing him, saved his life. He cringed at how often he kept saying that. But he couldn't believe it. He was always the leader of the group, even if Luther was Number One. He was always saving everyone else. Even during the years in the apocalypse, he felt as if he could've saved everyone by just listening for once. Yet, somehow, someone decided to risk his life for him. For no other reason than just because. It baffled him.

Five spent the next couple minutes pondering his feelings towards Xavion. He couldn't understand the pounding in his chest everytime Xavion smiled, or the way he always felt like he had to show off just to keep Xavions attention. It was.. tiring to say the least. But not in a negative way. He needed to focus on saving the world. That was his new plan.

Save the world.
Find a new place to be.
And be with Xavion. However "being" with him may end up. Because he vowed, then and there, that they would never be apart. No matter what.

Five's attention snapped back to the glass doors, watching a man in an overcoat walk out. "There's our guy." Without looking away, Five reached over and violently shook Xavion awake. "Whuh-" Xavion said, almost falling out of his seat. "What-"
"Look." Five whispered, leaning back to let Xavion look out the window. Xavion rubbed his eyes, blinking a couple times to regain focus. "Holy shit. Is he doing a drug deal?"

A car had pulled up, and Mr. Bigs had walked towards it, looking over his shoulder. He passed a computer bag into the car, and emerged with a yellow envelope. "What the hell is he up too.." Mr. Bigs tucked the envelope into his jacket, and began to walk off. Without looking at each other, Five reached out his hand and Xavion took it.

Timeskip to the Next Morning

Mr. Bigs walked to his car in what seemed like jogging gear. Five had jumped them both into his car. Xavion took his rightful place in the middle seat, behind the center console. Five gripped the switchblade in his hand. Mr. Bigs climbed in his car, turning around to see Five death-glaring him. "Oh, jesus!" He jumped.
Five lunged, holding the knife to the mans throat. Xavion smiled with homicidal glee. "One chance. That's all you've got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab. Mr. Bigs stuttered, shutting his eyes out of fear. "I.. I manufacture prosthetics for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market-" Five quickly followed up his sentence. "Including eyeballs?" Mr. Bigs swallowed, staring down at the knife. "Yes, yes, they're my biggest seller. I mean, they.. they sell like hotcakes! I've.. I got a list, a waiting list, probably, like, like 20 buyers-" Five paused, biting his cheek. "So, the serial number I told you.." Mr. Bigs finished his sentence. "Could've already been bought, yes-- Yes, off the books.." Five sighed angrily. "I needed that list, Lance. Names and mumbers. And I need it now!"

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