Chapter 8 - The Glass Eye

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A/N: I just realized I forgot to put in the scene where Klaus and Five go to Mr. Bigs office. So this will now have that scene. Yes, I know the lore is now out of order, but lets just pretend it’s the timelines fault and not mine!! Enjoy :]

Xavion was the first to wake the next morning. He squinted as the sunlight burned his eyes this early in the morning. He felt heavier than usual, but not in a mental way. He looked over and realized that he was the little spoon to a fast asleep Five, his arm around Xavion’s stomach with a surprising strong grip. Xavion laid back down and weighed his options.

Five most likely didn’t know what he was doing. He’s dead asleep. Therefore, if Xavion stays there, Five will go batshit. But unfortunately, he was a little stuck. Like a teddybear in a toddlers grip. He wasn’t complaining all that much, it was quite comfortable, but he was never the less freaking out. When had Five become so affectionate? Two days ago the boy hated Xavion and didn’t want to be near him. Now they’re cuddling like cats?

Xavion chuckled at the thought and slowly tried to slide out of Five’s toddler like death grip, causing him to stir in his sleep. After a couple minutes of starting and stopping, Xavion was free. He felt a little bad though. He surveyed the room and crouched down, picking up the stuffed elephant from last night and delicately placing it in Five’s arms, which he accepted. Xavion thought it was adorable, but if Five could hear his thoughts, he would probably be a brown stain in the carpet after Five stomping him to death.

He shook the thought out and began getting dressed, beginning to hate the uniform he was stuck with. He would have to convince Five to warp them back into the department store at some point. Xavion looked up at the analog clock on the wall, squinting at it, and then realizing he could not in fact read an analog clock. He sighed and let it be, watching the other boy to make sure he was still asleep. He shuffled quietly over to his hiding spot and pulled out his journal that he had been writing in. He did have some time to kill.

About an hour or so later, Five began to stir again. Xavion quickly closed the notebook and stored it out of sight, turning around on the floor and watching Five, seeing if he’s actually waking up this time. Five sat up in his bed and noticed the stuffed toy, gently pushing it off to the side. “Morning, asshole.” Xavion said in a cheery voice as he stood up. “What a way to wake up- Ow?” Five looked down and noticed a partially healed slice wound. He must’ve been so high on adrenaline last night that he didn’t notice he was hurt. Xavion hummed at the sight, being used to such “gory” injuries. Five tended to get hurt a lot. He kneeled under the bed and pulled out the sewing kit, handing it to Five before going and grabbing him a uniform from his closet. “Thanks, you moron.” Five muttered as he began to fix himself up, wincing at the needle. “Oh you are so welcome, my liege.” Xavion took a sarcastic bow and tossed the clothes at Five’s feet. He found it nice that they’ve gained a sort of bond like this. “I’m gonna go raid your fridge, jump if you need me.” Xavion yelled to him as he exited the room.

Right as Xavion left, Five scrambled out of bed, getting dressed as fast as he could. He didn’t know why he was in such a hurry, but it felt needed. He buttoned his vest and pulled om his blazer, fumbling with his tie before getting it perfect. He spent way too long smoothing everything out and fixing his hair. “What am I doing? Getting ready for a date? Eugh.” He gagged at himself.

“God what is wrong with me? I’ve killed over 500 people and I get worked up over one person?! I am a solitude man. I don’t need anyone but me.” Five smacked himself in the face, looking over at the mannequin in the duffel bag. “And you too, Delores. Look, not the point. From now on, I need to stick to my plan. Find where the eye came from, and find who owned it. That’s it.” Five took a deep breath and let it out, attempting to clear his head. He pulled the eye out of it’s spot on his desk and peered at it, looking at the serial number on the back. Holy shit. A SERIAL NUMBER. Five ran out the door and warped, landing behind Xavion, who was eating a pancake. “Xavion! Holy shit!” The boy jumped and spilled apple juice on the counter. “My apple juice..” He whined softly with his mouth full. He swallowed and turned around angrily. “This better be good. I was going to enjoy that apple juice.” Five grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. “Apple juice doesn’t matter! The eye has a serial number! Look!” He held up the glass eye close to Xavion’s face. “Okay? It’s a bunch of numbers. How will that help?” Xavion raised his eyebrows in suspicion. “Because it's a serial number! It can tell us who manufactured it, where it came from, and who got it! Then we kill them and we save the world!” Five put the eye back in the box. “Come on, let’s go. We don’t have time to waste.” Five began to head to the front door, Xavion grabbed another pancake and headed after him.

The Twins (Five Hargreeves x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now