Chapter 9 - The Speech

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“Holy shit, where did you guys come from??” The taxi driver exclaimed. “Not important. Can you take us to Griddy’s?” Five cut the guy off, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Please? And thank you as well, we’ll pay don’t worry.” Xavion added, glaring at Five.

The taxi driver dropped the boys off, and Five paid. He grabbed Xavion by the wrist and dragged him inside. “What are we doing at Griddy’s? We have to find where that eye was manufactured!” Five sat Xavion down on a stool at the bar. “I know where it was manufactured. I figured it out already. But Mr. Bigs is hiding something. I figured out his schedule, and he’s working the rest of today. Tomorrow, we go and follow him. Find out what’s he hiding.” He turned to Xavion, taking his hand again and squeezing it. Giving him the same look from before. “We have time to kill, so like I promised, talk to me.” Xavion hesitated. “Why are you acting like this all of the sudden? Two days ago, you didn’t want anything to do with me. Now we’re what, best friends?” It came out angrier than Xavion wanted, and Five nodded at him. “I know. I’ve noticed it too. If I could give you a straight answer I would... but I can’t. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve saved my life twice now...” Five looked down, running his thumb over a scar on Xavion’s hand. “Or maybe it’s because it’s nice not to be alone for once...” He mumbled. Xavion scoffed. “You had Delores, didn't you? You weren’t alone.”

“Delores.. well, she was the love of my life..” Five explained. “But she wasn’t anywhere close to human. No matter how much I pretend. I could give her a voice, I could dream she was a real woman, but it won’t happen. I was alone... for over 45 years.” He let go of Xavion’s hand as Gladis came over to take their order. Five ordered a black coffee, yet Xavion didn’t want anything. Five slid off the stool and urged Xavion to follow.

Five sat in a booth seat, Xavion sat across from him. Five took a sip of his coffee and let out a sigh. “I was alone. For 45 years. Almost 5 of those years were me murdering innocent people. When I came back using that paradox, I had one thing in mind. ‘Save the world.’ And in that plan was saving Delores, and my family. Because once I had saved the world, I was going to give myself up the commission. Serve my consequences. Even die if I had to.” Xavion looked up from running his fingers through the grooves on the table. Five took another sip of his coffee, putting his hands together. "But then you came along. You ruined my plan.” He paused, and then smiled. “In the best way possible, honestly. You saved my life. Twice. When most people wouldn’t sacrifice themselves for me once.” He chuckled out the last part, setting his hands in his lap. “My family was surprised when I came back. You know that. They were surprised because they had finally gotten rid of me. But there I was, back in black. I was the black sheep. The one who disobeyed my father’s orders because I wanted to prove him wrong. I wanted to be better than my siblings. Because besides Vanya who Father most literally kept locked in the basement, I was a thorn in his side." Xavion listened to Five talk. His usual sarcastic approach had completely dissipated. He sounded.. genuinely angry at himself. At his family. It made Xavion’s heart hurt a little. “He wanted to train me. To turn me.. us. Into the greatest crime fighting squad. He didn’t do it because he wanted too, or wanted to ‘turn the city into a good place.’ He did it for publicity. For money. We all learned at a young age that our Father only wanted us for pictures and cash. But he was our dad. Who else were we supposed to look up too?” Five was getting teary-eyed now, something Xavion had never seen before. Five composed himself. He would never cry in front of someone.

“You are the only person who I feel like I can trust in a world where the apocalypse is coming. You aren’t a Delores, or my family. You aren’t someone I had to love because there was no one else left. And you weren’t someone I had to trust because you were all I had. You proved to me that even if you had just met me, you would risk your life for me. Because that’s just who you are. You are a kind, loving, and caring individual, who would risk his life for some stranger who didn’t give him the time of day, a stranger who’s life is more dangerous then you could ever know. I’ve grown to like you, Xavion. Not because you saved my life. But because out of everyone, after everything, you chose to stay.”

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