"I just dont know if I'm able to be casual friends with you anymore..."

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April 27th, 2022
At various points in our conversation

You begged me to be in my life again, begged me not to hate you or resent you so what is going on? I've been nothing but kind and understanding to you always and take things by your terms and your wants and what you're comfortable with because I care so much about you and want you in my life, what changed over the course of a few days L?

What is it that makes you go back and forth on how you feel about me? we're so capable of being together in any way shape or form but you-

I can't understand why things genuinely go back and forth for you with me so drastically, it's not about sleeping together it's about the way you treat me and speak to me, obviously you keep coming back to me for a reason, you apologized for a reason, our memories and friendship above anything means the world to me and I would do anything for you, but how you treat me when you randomly change your mind about me is awful, I don't understand why you have such a problem with even speaking to me, imagine if someone did this to [his little sister] and wouldn't even listen to her.

I don't want to blow up your phone or push you away but you have to see what it looks like from my perspective, unless you've just met someone or seen something that changed your mind-

I'm not angry with you and I do understand where your heart is at, I wanted that stuff for us too, but something had to have happened. Why do things go back and forth for you with me so drastically when they don't have to, we can not hang out and still talk, we can not sleep together and still hang out-

It's not about sleeping together, it's about the way you treat me and my feelings, you want to see me for a reason and you apologized for a reason, our memories and friendship above anything means the world to me, you mean the world to me and I would do anything for you, I think back to when we went to Coconut Creek and just talked about how much we meant to each other as people, I meant every word. How you treat me when you randomly change your mind about what you want with me is what's unfair, and unless you've just met someone I can't understand why you have such a problem with even speaking to me, imagine if someone treated Sadie like this and wouldn't even listen to her, so talk to me please.

We started hooking up regularly again a month later.

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