"Can I come by to talk- Before I go home."

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March 2nd, 2022
As part of our first real conversation post break up, after a month of not speaking.

I had to hate you to stop missing you. I never had ill feelings or animosity towards you because I have so much love for you. But the way you spoke to me and treated me after everything, on top of leaving me before the concert that meant the world to me, but still going to Orlando- is cruel.

I spent so much time wondering what I did to deserve to be treated like that by someone that I only ever loved and supported, by someone I saw as my best friend who knows me better than I knew myself. Why you couldn't treat me like someone you spent a year holding onto, why you couldn't speak to me the way you had before. I had to force myself to see everything bad about the way you acted in order to heal, because you hurt me so terribly and still refused to speak to me at all. I would have never done any of that to you.

I let him come see me at work- we were together the next week.

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