"What's wrong?"

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January 31st, 2022
Post breakup pregnancy scare- I did send these.

I'm sorry I just feel kind of stressed and at a loss.
I hate typing so much, I feel like it makes it more dramatic than it actually is. I don't like that I feel scared to try and talk to you because you won't be the same, you won't speak to me, or see me, or listen to me when we're separated and it's hard because when we're together or on good terms it's totally different

I wanted to see you because all I wanted was to go to this concert and have this once in a lifetime experience and you would rather avoid seeing me than put your pride away one time, after everything we've been through, when you know how much it means to me, and I'm kind of really stressed about my period and I can't tell you because you're just going to freak out and I just want to be comforted because it's hard, and I'm trying to give you space but I miss you, I see all of this stuff every single day that makes me miss our friendship so terribly and it breaks my heart that you would rather have nothing at all than chance getting back with me, it's so hard for me to adjust to this after being so close for so long and I can't even talk to you about it

It was negative- and we celebrated by sleeping together.

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