Training Ichigo! (Chapter 5)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Naruto in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

"[Talking]": Name of Spell


Chapter 5: Training Ichigo!

Ichigo found himself falling on his back, the air had been knocked out of his lungs as he started coughing violently from the injury he sustained from his fight with Kenpachi and his little skirmish with Byakuya as he tried to glare at his guide Yoruichi Shihōin who turned out to be actually a woman who was using a cat transformation to fool them.

That aside, he had woken up realizing that Yoruichi had knocked him out when she had stabbed him in the stomach as she introduced a powerful anesthetic directly into his organs. Being the stubborn person he is, he was quite furious at Yoruichi because the others are currently at Byakuya mercy.

Hanataro and Ganju are going to be killed for helping him save Rukia while the one he was trying to rescue was going to be thrown back at her cell to wait for her own execution but this time with a much tighter security. He stubbornly believed that he had a fighting chance against Byakuya especially with the injury he had sustained in his previous battle but Yoruichi was having none of it.

"I sometimes wonder if you even need that brain of yours!" Commented Yoruichi, annoyed by Ichigo's behavior, he was giving her too much headache and she was considered to be quite patient but right now Ichigo is getting on her nerves.

"Do you honestly think that you can actually beat Byakuya so easily? Just because you were able to read his Shunpo doesn't make a difference, it will only make him take you a little seriously and I doubt he would need to put too much effort to take down an injured person like you." Yoruichi said harshly to Ichigo who was trying to inhale some air into his lungs.

"Look at your current state, it's pitiful that a mere throw would re-open your wounds! If you want to save Rukia, you will need more power than what you displayed in your fight against Kenpachi." Said Yoruichi as she walked away to stare at some weapons and added.

"I wouldn't worry about your friends, Captain Ukitake is a very honorable man with a strong sense of duty. He also happened to be Rukia's superior which means that he won't let any harm come to those who were courageous enough to save her." added Yoruichi hoping to alleviate some of his frustration at not being able to save Rukia when she was a few feets from him.

Ichigo stood up as he stared at Yoruichi with a determined look, he was going to succeed this time around and he won't lose to anyone.

"So this is where you were hiding, sensei!" came the voice of a person that Yoruichi could never forget and she became alarmed along with Ichigo.

Naruto appeared in a flash step in front of Yoruichi surprising her while Ichigo became increasingly concerned when seeing the person that Yoruichi had talked about previously.

"N-Naruto-kun! What are you doing here?" Asked Yoruichi, a little surprised to see Naruto so suddenly.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to attack you! I just got interested in the Ryoka that has been making such a mess around the Seireitei, that aside I'm not here to stop him, instead I came to train him as well." Said Naruto surprising Yoruichi.

"What do you hope to achieve from training him, Naruto-kun?" Asked Yoruichi, feeling a little bit at ease at seeing her own student again.

"I'm sure you understand that I'm not your enemy. If I wanted to stop the Ryoka invasion, I would have done it a long time ago. The only reason I'm letting this happen is because I wanted to save Rukia just as much as strawberry here..." Commented Naruto which made Ichigo get a tick mark at being called strawberry.

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