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In a society set to conform to our socialization, we remain longing for these idealized versions of who we have been told we should be.

You are not broken, missing out, nor unhuman for aromanticism. Romance is not a necessity and it is hard to navigate and define who you are in such an amorous society. People will tell you who you should be, but you are the only person who can define (most of) that.

Romantic love is not a necessity of life and you can still cross a path that is just as rewarding in a DIFFERENT way. Frankly, romantic love is over emphasized as a need-all when really, love is not what it had been portrayed as.

Ultimately, much of coming to the realization of being aro is not soley a rejection of self, but grieving over lost acceptance from society.

You are valid. Do not feel shame in your identity and take time to reflect on the person you are.

Being aro is isolating and lonely at times. Do not wallow in what you cannot control because you may lose yourself in it. You are not alone.

Learn to embrace yourself for your fluidity and differences. You have so much more of life to explore and learn.

We have been told a narrative of who we should or will become from the words, images, socialization, and even questions said. The implications of certain innuendos hint at fear of change.

We reject discomfort and because of that reject what is different since we become comfortable in familiarity.

I am still learning who I am and want to be. I recognize I will never stop learning and that is something for which I am grateful.

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