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"The frustration of not knowing if it's because I'm depressed or genuinely not interested.."

Not knowing the difference is frustrating as its part of your identity and navigation of life to discover who you are. (Remember there are things we cannot control and that is okay). No matter if you are aroace spec or depressed your experience right now is valid and it doesn't shift anything in the grand scheme. You probably already have the motive to want to make progress w/ mental health, so when you make change later on then you may have more clarity. You are allowed to explore those feelings, lack thereof, or question it. You are valid in not wanting a relationship due to depression. You are valid in not desiring a relationship due to being aro. It is all fluid. You can explore it. You do not need to be confined to what binarily constructed romanticism is portrayed (usually rather unhealthily) as a relationship. Not having romantic love doesn't mean you will not be just as deserving or just as capable in obtaining another kind of love that you desire. Love, sex, sensation, aesthetic, attraction. They do not make us human. We make ourselves who we are and we create our bonds and strengthen them; put our work into them. Romance is romanticized. You don't need a box, but you can still find a label for clarity's sake; this can remain or change (which is okay!). We haven't even had our brains fully develop and its completely acceptable for us to be inquiring about these things.

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