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I'd say I'm sorry that I gave enough of a shit. To tell you what it meant to me. You shared with me how you loved and joked along, but when I said similar to you it sounded wrong.

I'd say sorry
But I won't
Apologize for who I am
Just for being me

So fuck you
And your "insensitivity"

I am not inhuman
Or wrong
I am right
And I am strong

I am valid
And so is my love
I am loved
And that is enough

For context:
I added in that even though I'm aro ace I feel sensual attraction along with aesthetic.
They took it badly that I see someone and think I'd be fine w/ cuddling them if they WANT to. Completely PLATONICALLY.
It is okay to experience shit different, but they were being so fucking allonormative w/ their response and I know that they likely just didn't understand..

Queer solidarity (and minority in general)
Is often times
Like the amount of hypocrisy that spurs within different areas of the community is outrageous.
I am a highly empathetic person and I can tell, as someone within multiple intersectionalities, that those of us who don't quite "fit" or aren't really seen or represented are isolated and easily discriminated against.

It's suffocating when you feel both one part of one aspect of yourself and yet not at all..

We need to do better. All of us.
Because everyone deserves a safe space, to be included, and treated with humanity.
If we want any chance of change and safety in speaking up, then we need to stick TOGETHER when we fight. And we need it...

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