Vulnerability and Boundaries

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       I am often caught in this environment, surrounded by people who even at my age are so distinctly different. I feel as if even when I was young my perception of the world largely differed than others around me.
      I felt awkward stating my boundaries openly, silly. I think it is because I haven't been given that confirmation it is okay to be respected in that way; that it is valid and perfectly necessary to defend. If anything, stating my boundaries does help. Today I felt comforted by knowing someone else who possibly has infectious OCD like me. I never knew this and it was so comforting to know that when I shared that part of my boundaries that they understood and wouldn't judge me. People who judge my OCD are not worth it and frankly will stay in their ignorance a lot of the time.
     Sometimes I feel mad at how understanding and empathetic I am. I feel frustrated at how I know there is no controlling a certain situation. It is like I am doomed to be a benefit to the people around me, rather than myself. I live in a world where people will take advantage of that and probably have, even without being aware of it.
I want to tell my friend that I was not comfortable with them venting without consent.
I have school in two days and I am dissociating time from that fact.

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