Chapter 8

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That is what I think Sophie would wear. I might change it if she wants me to or she picked a different one and this one will be a long one again.

When we got to Dutch's tent, I saw Molly O'Shea walk away with hatred in her eyes for Sophie and me so I put my hands in my pockets and then lipped at Sophie 'Oh my god, she doesn't like us already' I felt the rings that I steal from Dutch so I grabbed them and then I leaned near the music box so I secretly put the rings behind the music box (I forgot what it is called) and then I put my hand back in my pocket again. Dutch asked us to sit down anywhere we wanted, so Sophie sat on the cot and I sat on the box that was in his tent. I turned my phone on again and then I saw the logo of Samsung, While waiting, Dutch and Hosea closed the doors of his tent. Dutch said to us after closing the doors of his tent "OK, miss. Hayton and Miss. Hodgson, now please tell us about the future and how it is different from this year." And I said to them "Well... I can't tell you guys that much of the future just in case, something changes this timeline too much but one thing that I can say..." I stopped and I pulled out paper and a pan and then I wrote down-

'Don't trust Micah or listen to him because he is the rat and I am telling you the truth and I am writing this just in case, he is overhearing this.'

I handed it to Dutch  and he read it quickly, he looked shocked at that so he said to me "That can't be true, how do you know it is true?" Hosea looked at the note too and he thought the same so I said to them "ok, fuck it! We are from the year 2021 and I play this video game called rdr2 aka red dead redemption two so I know all of you guys by name already that game is based around Arthur Morgan and this gang, I love that game and the story so much but I hate Micah bell because he ratting on you guys with the Pinkertons what you did and what you going to do and he will make you turn against Hosea, Arthur and John in the future." I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, I looked at it and I put my password in, I checked if I got any missed calls from my mam or Sophie's mam and luckily there's nothing and I heard Dutch say "wait are you telling me that Micah is the rat? And what's a game video?" I nodded and then said to them "Yep! He is and video games are where we..." Sophie and I started to tell them different things about our year and they asked us questions about anything and we answered as best we could. We heard Arthur say something outside, Dutch and Hosea opened the doors of the tent which ones facing the camp, Sophie and I stood up and then we walked outside to see what was up because Sophie and I were really nosey. Dutch asked Arthur "what's wrong, son?" And Arthur said to him angrily "someone killed mr. Downes and he have money owed for mr. Strauss and when I was there, mrs. Downes said that someone shot him in the head and then she only saw and heard a horse cantering away from the farm." And he said to him "poor man and who did that to him? But did you get the money though?" Arthur shocked his head as no, and Dutch said something to him and then they walked to Dutch's tent so Sophie asked me "hey Lucy, did you have a very weird dream last night?" And I said to her while we walking to the little box which is outside of Dutch's tent "yea, it was very weird, it had you in it and there's a goddess who told us that we are going to help 13 dwarfs, 1 hobbit and 1 wizard to reclaim they kingdom but I know what she meant by that." (I watched the hobbit already) And she said to me while I'm putting the three gold into the little box and then wrote down I book what's next to the box, what I put in the box. Sophie and I talked bit more about it for a bit, Sophie went to help out with someone and I went back to my tent, it's still light out so I picked my hunting rifle with the scope up, I walked to moon and I tied the rifle to his saddle, I petted his neck under his really long mane and he felt sweaty under there so I searched for a hair tie for it. I found one so I started to do a tight French braid, luckily he kept his head down and he was relaxing while I'm braiding his long mane. When I finished braiding his mane, the finish was at his knee so I put the hair tie on the end of the braid to keep it together while I'm doing that, I felt someone eyes on me watching me, I don't know who or why but I climbed onto moon and I tightened up the reins and then we started to we out of camp and look for a buck.

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