chapter 19

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Next morning, I woke up but keep my eyes closed because I don't want to open them just yet, I felt someone's arms around me tightly, I opened my eyes to see someone's hairy chest in front of me so I looked at the person's face that who is holding me and… it is dutch and he was still fast asleep, I slowly looked under the sheets to check if I'm naked or not because I don't have my top or my bra on. When I checked under the sheets, I found out that I WAS naked and he was too, luckily, a few minutes later, he rolled over to let me take up and one of his arms left my side before I got up from the bed, I said in my head "thank god finally, god damn his manhood is so big, but I need to go before he wakes up." I slowly and quietly got out of bed while being careful not to wake him up.

When I got out of bed, I quietly started to put on my underwear and my clothes but I didn't realise that Dutch moved his head to face and then opened his eyes slightly to watch me. When I got my underwear, bra and my pants on, I heard Dutch move in the bed so I quietly looked at the bed, and he was facing me but luckily he is still asleep so I quickly put my top back on and then my boots back on. When I finished putting my clothes, underwear and boots back on, I walked out of the room and then quietly closed the door of the room. I started to walk through the big house, I saw Sophie looking at me with the biggest smile on her face. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I realised that Khali or Senna didn't say hello to me yet or when I got back, that's not like them so I heard Sophie say while I'm looking around for Senna and Khali "Did you have fun with dutch in the bed? Are you sore? And Khali and Senna went back house so don't worry, I said goodbye and I love them for both of us… but how was it with Dutch though?" And I giggled a little bit, then said to her while walking outside "wwweeellllll… I blacked out drunk and then I woke up with a little headache but it's gone now and with Dutch’s arms around, it felt pretty good and I was a bit shocked at first, when I woke up in his arms, naked may I add. I didn't want to leave his arms. I feel so safe but in my head, it was a fairly different story if I didn't and he asked how it was, was it good? I can't say I don't know, you know… but now I'm going out for a while, and if you need to find me for anything, I'm going to hunt for a moose… well white moose." She nodded, then said to me "ok I will remember that and if they need you for something, I will tell them what you are doing." I nodded at that and then she walked up to one of the campfires, then I walked to Leo.

When I got to Leo, I heard an Irish male accent say to me when I picked my saddle and saddlebag up and then I put it on Leo's back "Ah! There's my English woman, how are you on this fine morning?" And when I heard that, I realised who was talking to me and it was Séan! He was alive, so I said to him while doing the Garth and the breastplate up onto Leo "Oh! Hello Séan, I am good, a bit sore but I am good, what about you?" I got my bridle, then he said to me while I'm putting the bridle onto Leo "Yeah! I'm good, I'm still healing from the gunfight at Rhodes, and I just wanted to say thank you to you for telling me about it." Then I finished doing the bridle on Leo's head and I turned to him with a raised eyebrow, then said to him with a smile "Thank me for what? I don't remember telling you guys about that but you're welcome." He said to me while leaning on Leo "Well, you did tell us a few days ago and I owe you for it… Haha, but you were pretty loud and drunk last night. Before I forget, Uncle wants to talk to you about something but I don't know why." I had my shocked face on, when sèan saw that, he laughed at it and then walked away from me, I shook off my shocked face. I saw that uncle was sleeping under a tree near the entrance of the camp, so I walked over to him to find out what needs from me.

When I got to him, I said to him "Hey uncle, why are you not out and working for the camp? And why do you need to talk to me?" He woke up, then said to me happily "AH! Ms. Hodgson, I am going to rob a wagon that I heard has a lot of money and hopefully something more, and you know that I have…." I said to him while I'm leaning against the tree that he is leaning against "Lumbago, I know you only use that because you are too lazy to work but what do you want me to do while robbing this wagon of yours?" He stood up and we started to talk about robbing the wagon while walking to our horses. When we reached our horses, I petted uncle's horse on the neck before hopping onto Leo, then I petted her neck and then we started to go to the place where we were going to do the Rob the wagon.

The word count is 1000 words

I am back!?........................... I will be slowly updating here

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