Chapter 13

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Back to me÷

While i'm going to Rio Del Lobo Rock, someone started shooting at Moon and I. I made Moon go into a gallup while I was shooting at them. 10 minutes later, I left the people who were shooting at me and Moon, we almost got to where I need to be and find the horse but before I near there, someone shot Moon in the head and he neighed in pain and then fallen down dead but luckily I got off of him before landed on my ankle, I angrily shoted at the person and I killed him because I saw his horse galloping away while taking its owner, when I saw that, I shouted at it "AAH!? YOU MOTHERFUCKER, YOU KILLED MY HORSE!?" And I quickly calmed down and I wiped my tears from my face, I kneel next to Moon's body and I said to him sadly while i'm gently petting his head (while not touching where he was shoted) "you did great job, really great job, i love you sexy boy." I Gently kissed him and then I took his bridle off and then I put the bridle in my bag, I took the saddle off and I picked it up and then started to walk away to Rio Del Lobo Rock while not crying yet and holding the saddle while just using my good arm to carry it.

1 hour later, I found a rock big enough to sit against so I put the saddle down on the ground and then I sat on the ground next to the saddle, then I started to ugly cry into my hands for the longest time. Maybe 10 or 20 minutes of crying, I felt something touch my hair and tried to eat it so I slowly looked up to see what it was and to not scare it off. When I looked up and wiped the tears away, I saw a horse and it was THE horse that I wanted to see and hopefully broke in and then ride, it was tiger-striped mustang and it was a… girl, luckily it's not scared of me so slowly moved my hand to her head and then I started to pet her kindly and I said to her kindly "hello girl, can I use you to get me back home? You can leave after it if you want to." I saw her did a little nod so I stood up with a little smile, then said to her with smile "ok girl, i have to put that saddle on your back and then a bridle on your head and the bit in mouth, it will feel really weird and i will let you buck while it's on you, we will take this one step after another." I picked the saddle up and then I showed it to her, I let her smell it and then I put the saddle pad on her back slowly and then saddle, I did it pretty tight so if she did buck, it won't move around. I quickly moved away from her, to let her buck if she wanted to and she did bucked a couple times and then calmed down.

I got the bridle out of my bag and then I took the reins off of it so if she bucks again with the bridle on that the reins won't get around her front legs and hurt her mouth, and when i put the bit in her mouth and do the throatlatch up and then again I moved away from her to let her buck again but she didn't do one so I walked back to her and then I put the reins back on the bit and I put the reins over her neck. When I did that, I put her fringe over the browband, I forgot to do the breatgirth so I did quickly and then before I hopped onto her back, I said to her while tightening the girth up again "you are really good girl, so i'm going on your back so PLEASE don't buck me off! I already have a broken arm and I don't want another one." When I know the saddle is on right and the girth is tight enough, I quickly hopped on to her and then I grabbed onto his reins, then she did little buck but I stayed on. When I know that she is finished bucking, I gently kicked her to tell her to move on and we went into walk, then into a trot and then into a center, and we started to head to Donner Fells.

4 days later÷

When we got there, I made her walk and then we started to walk up the side of the mountain, I said to her while not looking down "ok girl, i want to name you for now and you can help me with it if you want, i will tell you different names and you just nod your head for yes and shake your head for no, ok?" And she nodded while walking. For a hour, saying different names to her but she keep shaking her head so I said a name that I like a lot "ok, what about Leo (it can be girl's name and a boy's name too) *she nodded her head* ok good! Good girl, Leo." Then I saw the crack so I stopped Leo near it and then I hopped off of Leo's back, I quickly checked the breast girth, it still good and not too tight on her, so I went into my saddlebag to find my dairy but I can't find it innit and I KNOW it didn't fell off when moon died but I can't feel it in the saddlebag so I thought where i got it last and the last time that I had it with me and had it out of the saddlebag was when I was near camp and with… Dutch so I said to leo "god damnit! he took it off of my saddlebag so i hope i have my phone with me because if i don't, i will be mad and going here will be wasted time but im still going back here when i have my dairy or phone." I quickly checked the saddlebags for my phone if I had it with me… and I didn't so I gently hit my head on Leo and then said "why didn't I remember my phone? So I have to go back to camp because I need a light while in there to see and Sophie can meet you too." I hopped back onto Leo again and then we started to go to camp in Canter.

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