Chapter 11

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I'm still working on it but I hope it is good already tho.
5 hours later: (ah fuck it)

I woke up on something really soft and Hosea said to someone "ok, I have a splint on her arm and she will be ok." And someone else said to him "thank you Hosea.", and then he said to that person "no problem, Dutch, I'm always happy to do it for her but now I will tell Sophie that she is ok." I opened my eyes and then I realised that I am in Dutch's tent so I said "what the? Why am I in your tent, Dutch? And can I get something for this headache too please?" Then I got up on my elbows, then I looked at them. Dutch said to me "ah! Lucy, you're finally up and how are you feeling?" So I said "still have bad headache, I'm not use to this splint *hold my arm which has the splint on it and then put it down* I'm not staying in camp for 6 weeks until my arm healed and if I do stay in camp, I will be bored out of my mind." Hosea got something for me to help the headache and then said to me "oh wow! Well you have to stay in the camp until one of them tells you that you can go out again" and I said to them "well, I might know where the other 6 gold bars are now and who will going to ride moon for me though?... wait I remember that I walked anywhere but I can't ride though" and they looked at each other and back to me, dutch said to me "well Lucy, you have to stay in camp until that Not because of that arm but because you hit your head so I told everyone to keep you inside camp until I or Hosea told them that you can go out Again." i just nodded at that and then I laid down again, I said to him "ok then, but don't work with those  two families because you will lose séan and then one of the families will kidnap Jack but don't worry you get him back... be careful with your head Dutch because you will get hurt and then you will change yourself, then you will let everyone died... well not John, Abigail, jack, bill, Javier and yourself though." But before he said anything to me, i quickly realised that I needed a pee badly so I said "oh fuck, I need to pee, oh fuck!" And I put my legs over the bed, then I stood up and then I quickly limped to the forest, while saying to myself quietly "oh fuck! Oh fuck! oh fuck!" When I made it and I knew that no one was watching me, I started to do what I needed to do.

When I finished my pee, I pulled my pants back up, it was bit hard to do because of the splint but I don't care I did it once before when I was 7, I walked back to camp without the limp because my ankle is ok now and I saw Sophie so I walked up to her and then said to her "hey Sophie, I'm ok now just headache and don't worry I don't care about this splint." And she turned around, then said to me "good, I nearly went out and looked for you. If I found you, I would pull you back to camp behind d and I hehehe." And I said to her laughing with her "I'm not expect anything less from you hehe." and we hugged happily, while we are hugging I whispered into her ear so she can hear me but no one can't hear it though "oh hey, when Dutch found me, he grabbed me Gently and then kissed me and I liked it and it was my first kiss after years I forgot how long the last time I kissed someone or did kissed by someone." Sophie pulled away from me and then held onto my shoulders, then she smile on her face and we started to laugh again but then while laughing, I saw Mrs.grimshaw and something needed to do so I said to Sophie "Hey I saw that something needed to be done so I am going to do it. I hope they don't stop me." She nodded at that and I started to walk to the bale of hay. When I got to the bale of hay, I picked the bale with my good arm and I walked to Moon and the other horses with the bale of hay.

When I got to the horses, I felt someone's eyes on me while I'm doing that, I put the bale down next to the horses and they started to eat the bale, I saw moon walking to the bale and me so I said to him when he near me "hey sexy, how are you? It looks like your braid is still good. I can't ride you in a while because of this *points at my splint* Do you want to sniff it?" I petted his neck with my good arm and he put his head up and then straightened his ears, he started to get a good sniff and I giggled a little bit, I started to walk away but... before I walked back into camp, I felt someone grabbed my arm which was in the splint, so I stopped walking and I turned around to see Mrs.O'Shea so I said to her with a smile "oh sorry ma'am, I didn't see you or heard you coming but what do you need me to do something for you, ma'am? And please do not injure me more *I straighten my face* or I will see red and no one will not stop me hitting you and I always wanted to do that to you every single time I played rdr2 (red dead redemption 2)" but she didn't care what I just said to her, she punched me on my nose but before I felt the pain and to see if she broken my nose for the first time, I saw someone walk around one of the wagon and that person saw molly hitting me on my nose and then I fell down on the ground before I say 'ow!?' She kicked me on my back so I yelled while holding my nose and while laying on my side " fuck me! I will kill that bitch when I have a chance to." I feeled some tears fall down my cheeks and I know my nose won't break and I heard Molly say to me "I warned you if I saw you near dutch or talk to him, I will hurt you and now look what it got you now." And then I got mad at her so I jumped back up quickly, before I kicked her legs from under her I heard Dutch shout at her "mrs.O'Shea leave the camp I gave you your chances and you lost them so leave and don't come back!" She looked mad at me but she saw the evil in my eyes... and she saw that Sophie, Khali & senna were ready to kill her so she quickly walked out of the camp.

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