chapter 21

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Séan's POV (in the morning)÷

Séan was in town, finding something to steal or someone to rob for their money, somewhere in the town, he was relaxing with his head down and then he heard a woman say to a man "I heard last night, a woman robbed a man at gunpoint. She got his money, it was 100 dollars but when she was running away from it and getting to her mustang, she got shot on the calf and then she shot that person in the arm, she got away after that." He heard the man say to the woman that is talking with him "mustang? What breed of mustang did she have to get away that fast?" And then the woman said "they said it was a tiger striped bay mustang...." Séan's head shot up so fast at that and he knew it was Lucy, who was injured and he wanted to help her but he didn't know where to find her so he walked to his horse and hopped onto it, then quickly rode back to camp.

When séan got to camp, he looked for someone to see if they knew where lucy is or is going to, he saw John Martson so he went over to him to see if he knew where lucy was or was going to. When he got to John, Séan said to him in his accent "hey there, Johnny boy! Ahah!" And John said to him without looking at him "what do you want, Séan?" And then Séan said to him quietly so that he could hear it but no one else could. "I'm looking for Lucy but I don't know where she went to though, so do you know where she went to?" John turned around to look at Séan. "I think i overheard her saying what she's going to do before she left 2 days ago, why are you asking?" And Séan said quietly to him "I heard that she got shot after robbing someone" John's eyes widened at that.

then he shouted loudly "WHAT! SHE GOT SHOTTED!" Sèan said to him quietly "yes but be quiet though, I need to find her because I think she needs help but I don't know." And John nodded, then said to him "ok, I will help you to find her and I remembered that she's going to hunt a white moose, luckily i know where that animal is, it's at Brandywine drop so follow me." And they walked to they horses, then they hopped onto they horse and started to go to brandywine drop while Séan is telling John what he learned.

Lucy's POV (at brandywine drop)

I'm walking around at brandywine drop to look for the white moose, I have my rifle in my hands (oh yea, I bought one before I robbed that person), I was being really careful with my wounded leg while walking around, I stopped walking and then leaned onto my good leg while I'm looking around for white fur and then I saw some white fur and then white antler, it was the animal that I was looking for, I quickly and quietly but careful got down on the ground on my belly, I aimed my rifle at it, I waited for it to turned its head to me.

When it did turn its head, I aimed the rifle in the middle of its head, and then I shot at it aaaannnndddd... IT HITTED! then the bull moose reeded up and then it did its call (I don't know what is called, I tried to google it but it doesn't say the name though) then it fell down dead, I moved my rifle from my face, I got up still being careful of my wounded leg, and then I started to walk to it while being careful of my leg. When I made it to the body of the moose, I fully stood on my wounded leg for a minute but then my leg hurtfully spasmed and then I fell down while I held my leg, I shouted out when I fell down "AH! OW! FUCK ME THAT HURTED!" And then I keep holding my wounded leg while crying. Few minutes later, I heard some horses hooves and then I heard someone say, I think it is John "Lucy! SÉAN! I found her!"

John's POV÷ (ten minutes ago)

John and Séan were looking for Lucy and her horse Leo at Brandywine drop. 5 minutes later, Séan saw a horse nearby so he said to John "hey john, there's a horse over there, do you think it's Leo? I can't see Lucy around here though." John looked where that horse was and then he said to Séan while looking at the horse "I think it is Leo but where IS Lucy and she normally doesn't leave Leo alone like this." And Séan nodded at that and then they started to ride to that horse.

When they got to the horse, they can tell that the horse IS Leo, so they stopped they horses near to Leo and then Séan jumped off of his horse, then Séan said to Leo when Séan walked up and then grabbed onto Leo's reins "hey girl, do you know where Lucy is?" Leo let a slightly neigh out and then turned her head where Lucy went, Séan saw some blood on Leo's saddle and then Séan knew that Lucy was still bleeding out but hopefully slowly and not that bad, Séan said to John "it looks like Lucy is still bleeding" John said to Séan "is it still wet or is it..." before he finishes that sentence to Séan, they heard a gunshot and then after few minutes, they heard in the distance, "AH! OW! FUCK ME! THAT HURTED!" Séan and John quickly turned their heads to the noise, and John said to Séan "that was Lucy! I will find her because she does sound really in pain." John made his horse go into gallop to go the way where they heard Lucy shouted at.

When John got to Lucy, he slowed and stopped his horse nearby Lucy, when he got to his horse to stop, he saw that Lucy was on the ground and she was silently crying. He thought because of the pain of her leg, he said "lucy! SÉAN! I FOUND HER!" He hopped off of his horse and then he walked upto Lucy. When he got to Lucy, he kneeled next to her and then asked her "are you ok? Where is the pain?" Lucy looked at John and then said to him "oh, I don't know? My leg! I stood on it with my full weight, when I got to the moose that I killed, I was going to get the pelt, antlers and the meat from it." John looked at the body of the moose and then back at Lucy, he said to her when Séan got to them "I will do that for you." He saw her nod at that and then he helped her up on her legs and he helped her to her horse. When he got her to her horse and got her on her horse, he walked over to the moose body and started to get the pelt, antlers and the meat from it.

When he finished doing that, he put the antlers with the pelt warped around them on his shoulder, he turned around to see that Lucy and Séan talking to each other while lucy is rubbing her wounded leg, John walked up to his horse and then put the pelt on his horse's butt, he hopped onto his horse and then said to them "ok, let's go back to camp and fix that leg." They started to go to camp while talking to each other.

The word count is: 1076

Thank you for reading this story this far and there's more chapters, I just wanted to thank you for reading

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